Another day, another mysterious bar appearing out of nowhere. Leo is acquainted with Milliways and its lurking habits. He doesn't even bother calling Zanna; it'd take her too long to come over, and they get doors fairly regularly, so he just goes in and gets some absinthe with crushed cochineal. (Demonic tastes make for very odd mixed drinks.)
"Imagine someone whose only knowledge of the material is that explosives explode, attempting to use them to make a propelled vehicle. They may be successful, but you probably want to keep your distance anyway. That's humans, or any species that lives less than two hundred years, inventing spells."
"Well, I'd want to be close enough to contain the disaster, but point taken. Heavy divinatory use before I try anything novel, then."
Jayce is experimenting with trying to draw coins for Leo. He clears the bin of extraordinary blessings, then he gets birth blessing sets for his brother and sister, plus his own minus "synthesis". "It really doesn't want to bless you," he says. "It's like trying to get grace for Kiri."
Jayce draws some more. When the bin can no longer produce birth blessings for anybody in the room, he draws some more. "Charm... but it could mean nothing..." Draw, draw. "...Alphabetical order. It's giving me what's left in alphabetical order."
"Yep. Here, I'll put back everything except the extraordinaries and our birth blessings, see what you get now."