"Nobody's bidding is being done, we're going out for a smoke. Power plays come later. Wait until you're a political entity on campus, then he'll start plotting at you. This is just recreation."
"I can see why he is so easy for you to control. I already almost got through school once, I learned that it is always plotting." She then copies Xan's earlier move of condescendingly patting him on the head.
Xan chuckles. (Leo scowls and bats her hand away.) "Yeah, yeah, everything's a power play. But we're in the preliminary stages of all that. Still feeling you out for when you're established, et cetera. Speaking of which, you should probably get a codename. Any ideas?"
Damara shrugs, "I don't know... that really have to be part of being in this school." She thinks about it for a bit and then remembers some of the teasing she used to have to deal with. "How about witch, I mean these powers are magic right? Thats good, I will be the Time Witch."
"I assume you're referring to Power Pork? Because that's the only name worse than 'Time Witch' that I can think of."
"Yeah, I'm talking about Power Pork. Damara, I hate to break it to you, but that is the shittiest codename."
Leo ticks down his fingers. "Clockstopper. Chronomancer. Hourglass. Momentum. Timer. Shall I go on?"
"Do you have one that doesn't make me sound like a sentai villain or a kitchen appliance? You get bonus points if I can also theme it with a cute costume."
"Tempus Fugit? You could wear tacky angel wings. Sky could accuse you of cultural appropriation."
"Sentai villain names make the best codenames, honestly. He's Hemomancer, I'm Scion, we know a chick called Stormhammer... You learn to deal with it."
"Just call me Damara until I do something cool, I'll get a codename that way... Also hemomancer, really? This is my second language and I see all puns"
"I keep saying, you should just make it official. Rename yourself Homomancer and have done."
"I'm pretty sure he still wants you to bite him." She fails to resist laughing at this situation. "Atleast my choice would have also given me the nickname time bitch."
They've reached the roof. "Alright, suit up. I'll carry Damara, since I can actually fly with passengers."
Xan and Leo twiddle their fingers at length while muttering. Once this is complete, there's a sequence of special effects reminiscent of a magical girl transformation, and they're abruptly dressed in black full plate. Leo's is inscribed with runes in some odd golden metal, whereas Xan's is in red. Their gauntlets have additional inscriptions in silver, and their helmets are exceedingly fancy and made primarily out of their accent materials.
It's all a bit flamboyant, but the end result is fairly menacing. Xan flips up his visor and nods. "Shall we?"
"When do I get to be a magical girl?" Damara asks, holding on to Xan. "I want to be able to flash everyone before I fight." Despite her jokes her smile is more of a happy child then of a cruel bitch. She starts to make plans to validate all her years of cosplaying.
As he speaks, wings of crystallized blood burst out of his back along convenient prongs in his armor. Shadowy bat-wings do the same for Leo. They leap off the roof and soar towards a nearby tree, which turns out to be concealing an invisible treehouse. "Welcome to the Haven. Here, people who can fly get stoned. You are now among that august body."
"I am glad you are using your powers appropriately and responsibly." She takes out the blunt she had been smoking throughout this rather ridiculous day and lights it. "I might just join your team if you can make me look like a sailor senshi. They do have Sailor Moon in this world right?"
"God damn you to hell. Yes, I can name all the fucking senshi and design their costumes for you in appropriate colors and materials, and I can probably turn you into a fucking fan-senshi if you want. I was a little girl for a very long time, dammit!"