In the middle of an extended diatribe against artificial turf, Xan opens the door to Schuester Hall, which is... not the door to Schuester Hall.
Xan peers at it. "Are we being pranked or something? Has someone not been informed that I piss napalm?"
"You bleed napalm," notes Leo. "If you were pissing it we'd have a medical issue on our hands. Somebody could've thrown up an illusion, but I don't really see the point of replacing Schuester with... a bar? With some chick inside? Like, what, we're going to whip out our fake IDs and get in trouble? But Mom always says that if you can't see the point of a trap then whoever set it is smarter than you are. Let's go down the hall and take the south door."
"Jesus Christ," Xan mutters, hauling Leo in by the arm. "Let's avoid the cool-as-shit magic bar, he says. You're such a fucking girl."
Leo makes a noise of protest. "I'm working on that! And I object to your manhandling!"
"Shut up."
They behold the bar. It's a very nice bar. It has a window to some exploding stars. "Huh. I'm... pretty sure that's magic of some kind," notes Leo.
"So am I, dipshit, we're both wizards."
"Just making conversation."
She puts her hand against the wine glass and takes a deep breath. The ticking that refuses to leave her head suddenly speeds up, sounding more like a motor then a grandfather clock. Her eyes glow, the wine inside her glass churns about. After 100 seconds she takes her hands off the glass. A single sip confirms it, after 100 years of aging this wine still tastes like shit. Typical topshelf swill.
She puts it down and takes out something to smoke instead. She isn't sure exactly what it is this strange magic bar gave her but it makes her high and doesn't smell as strong as her usual stuff. It will do. She hears one of the doors open, two new patrons of moderate prettiness entered. Damara is both high and bored after hiding out here for so long, she decides these two would be her source of entertainment for tonight. "Hello boys," she says, exaggerating her accent. "There lonely pretty girl here, that get me free drinks?"
Damara picks up the vinegar and holds it out to the prettier one, the fact that ageing the wine did that is unexpected but Damara is used to taking everything in stride. "Well I am not drinking it now pretty man, you want? Or maybe you want it instead, you look like your boyfriend make you want to drink a lot."
"Aw, Mikey likes it. I don't want any vinegar, but if he likes you I may be allowed to get you some good wine. Instead of the garbage in that bottle, which you seem to have murdered. Possibly in protest, which I can understand. What's your power, anyway? I assume it's not limited to turning shit tier wine into the vinegar it always dreamed of being."
"[I make it so that men cannot fail to satisfy my by cumming too early]" Damara replies in Japanese, taking a puff off of her blunt. She has never actually tested if her innate abilities with time magic allow that. "What about you?" If the two pretty men don't understand Japanese that is not her problem.
Xan applauds politely. "So, aging wine and slowing down men... an external temporal warper? That's some serious shit, kudos. I'm a Wiz-2 Man-2, I manifest copious amounts of human blood. Then I generally turn it into Bloodfire with a quick incantation, leaving me a neat little packet of napalm that I then lob at my foes. Oh, and I'm an EX-3. In case you couldn't tell." He smirks winningly.
"And I'm an EX-2 Wiz-1. Erebeal, it's this creepy shadowmagic shit, makes you feel like icy needles are pricking your flesh or something. Very versatile, though. For those who can actually use it. Give me half an hour's prep time and I'm a force to be reckoned with, I'm sure."
"Okay so I know your rpg stats. [You did neglect to tell me your dick size which is the important one but oh well.]" She leans back in her seat. "I Damara, sit with me if you wish. Just no blood magic shit, this bar get angry about violence because it big spoil sport. Don't worry, I not going to turn you old." She raises a hand to signal the bar for more drinks and to apearify her prefered snacks, pastries with dangerous amounts of sugar and chocolate, onto the table.
"Those RPG stats are kind of significant to our lives. And, uh, yours, given you're a mutant as well. Also, you neglected to mention your pastry creation powers."
"That the bar, not me," Damara says with some resentment. She regrets nothing her powers have let her accomplish but she would honestly consider having pastry powers a fair trade. She makes a point to look at the two men's crotches as opposed to their face while talking to them. "Where I am from no one tell me my stats, they just try to get rid of my sexy head. That blood not going to explode is it? I be very made if you ruin so much good fudge." She grabs one of the pieces and ignores the utensils the bar kindly offered her in favor of just eating it in one bite.
"Jeez, they tried to cut your freaking head off when you manifested? I thought Japan was better about the mutophobic shit. Un...less you're not from Japan, and I'm just- going to stop talking."
Damara tries to blow out a smoke ring only to find that the bar's provided blunts make that very difficult. "Okay this shit tastes nice but I want my own blunt back," she complains. "I'd go get it but if I show my face in my world then weird knight man comes and try to cut me." She puts the blunt she actually has out against her thumb. "I tell him I no kill anyone else but he no listen. Oh well, fuck that guy. He not pretty anyway."
"Or we could offer you asylum at Whateley, because this guy is clearly a big-league super if he's threatening a fucking temporal warper and expects to get away with it. Just a thought? It's a nice place, they teach you how to use your powers to their fullest potential and all that jazz. And you can't smoke or drink in public, but we'll show you the good spots and we can share our weed."
"Not being dead is nice," Damara says, somewhat suspicious. Recent experiences have made her doubt anything that sounds a little too good to be true but she really wants to no longer be stuck in this bar. "Why those rules though, the fuck are you people from? It sound like boarding school."
Damara is quiet for a bit, she has lots of reservations about schools. Then again if this school is the sort of environment where someone who controls blood isn't out of place, there is very little chance she would have to deal with the same types pf bullies she did in high school. Plus she had learned the appropriate solution for making bullies stop, be a bigger bitch then them and stab them if they did not learn their lesson. She knows she is powerful, the same probably applies even in a super powered school. "Hot people and superpowers? I guess I can try it if there are sweets."
Leo has trouble objecting to this! Eventually, however, he breaks away. "Weird Japanese innuendo aside, we have an immigration nightmare to take care of, yeah? Whateley won't care about your past. They'll probably make you a whole new identity."
Damara gives the kissing boys an appropriately objectifying stare. "I probably can keep my name since you in other world," she says once the kiss breaks. "Alright good then, I can just pretend my worlds Damara is dead. Now lets give your world a Damara, all worlds should have at least one."
Certainly, napkins a napkin. First one's free.
Xan blinks slowly. "In that case, make them really good liquor, okay? And some weed if you've got some, it's been a while since the last care package from Leo's mom."
The requested products appear. Xan slips them into some cunningly hidden pockets designed for exactly this purpose. "Alright, now we can go."
Damara stuffs her mouth with pastries and then nods. The logistics of chewing and swallowing a mouth full of sweets occupies her as she follows the two boys out of the bar. She makes sure her knitting needles are still in her pocket, worst comes to worst she will deal with this new school the way she dealt with her old one. She thanks the bar in her own special way before closing the door behind them, a middle finger and a smile.
Outside the door, there's a stern middle-aged woman in a pantsuit. Her eyes are solid gold, and she looks distinctly irritated.
"Mister Richardson. Mister Santacruz. Miss Megido. What the fuck do you think you're doing and nice to meet you, respectively."
"[Nice to meet you too, old lady. Who the fuck are you and why do you know my name?]" Damara says in the sweetest possible tone of voice while picking the rudest possible vocabulary. Damara is a girl of many smiles, for once she does not choose the one that makes her look like she has just kicked a puppy.
"I the fuck am Thoth, former A-List superheroine, but you can call me Professor Wahlberg. I'll excuse the profanity because you obviously didn't expect me to speak Japanese. For reference, a solid 30% of the people on this campus can be assumed to know any language they've ever had a passing interest in. I personally am fluent in every language used by more than fifty humans on this planet, but I'm something of an outlier. And I know your name because I can see the future, and I see myself muttering it under my breath every time I find some jackass shoved halfway down a flagpole for the next four years. Congratulations on retroactively making an impression."
Damara laughs, "I take back nothing I say and they probably will deserve it, don't worry old lady. Just be glad it not worse" She likes this woman and this school. The fact that people are more likely to understand her japanese bullshit will do nothing to change the way she acts here.
"Very true on all counts. Anyway, that dimensional portal dealie isn't coming back any time soon, so I have the... privilege... of getting an eighteen-year-old girl matriculated into my school halfway through the term. Despite the fact that you're not even a mutant and your magic is like nothing we have in this universe. Sure do love my job."
"Of course she's not a mutant, you little twit, she's from another universe, they don't even have the meta-gene complex there. The grown-ups are talking, get to your class. And Richardson, hide your damn flasks better, I don't even need to turn on my clairvoyance to see those things."
"I have no real idea what I am or what meta-gene is, I just do time shit," Damara says. She fidgets with a lighter in her pocket. "There any way I can make you think I need blunt for medical reason?" She's a bit nervous despite her demeanor and she really wants something to smoke.
She takes the one not-bar-provided blunt she has been saving and lights it. "I can touch things and make them old really," she explains, visibly calming down from the mere action of smoking. "It easy with dead things but with live things I can't age them. I just slow them down. I traveled before but it require timing something." She takes out a small music player she had tied around her neck and opens it. A gentle tune starts playing and a second Damara is now standing behind the teacher, her music player is almost done with its song. "I go back and front as long as this plays." The initial Damara does the time jump required to make this loop work. "That about it, I can go further but I only done it once... I really pissed that day." She leans against the wall, trying to pass of magic induced fatigue by slouching rebelliously and blowing out a cloud of smoke.
"Hm. So, maybe PK 1a. I'd like to see if you could learn to do that without the needles; you don't necessarily follow our rules, but it still sounds like a crutch. And you'll probably spend some time trying to strengthen the effect. At any rate, that's a starting classification, and I'll let the lab techs at you next week or so. Now, for less nerdy chores. I can get you a full scholarship and a legal identity on the basis of your 'traumatic manifestation', so that shouldn't be a problem. You might have to take on a part-time job for the scholarship's sake unless you're comfortable mooching off Mr. Santacruz. Which you may be, I suppose. And you'll have to determine where you want to live. Of the cottages, the ones that you could fit into without irritating maneuvering would be Dickinson and Poe, which serve as the non-monstrous women's dorm and the queers' dorm, respectively. Richardson and Santacruz live in the latter, if that's a factor."
Damara shrugs, "I guess dorm with those boys work, they cute enough. I guess I can do job but my English reading kind of shit so if you want me to be secretary find someone who like my skirt. Anything to worry about when your lab boys probe me? Will I need to bring lube?"
"Good call, Dickinson is full of bitches. I barely graduated from there without a body count. We've already got a full complement of secretariat, I'm afraid; scholarship jobs are mostly cleaning work. Sewer duty has the highest pay, and you get to kill monsters. Otherwise there's various janitorial jobs, landscaping, et cetera. And the lab boys are very professional, I assure you. Plus, they'll be absolutely terrified of you, so you'd be safe regardless."
"Okay, I bitch enough for entire dorm anyway. Maybe I take job to kill shit, it sound fun but I not sure about walking in shit while doing it. Why that problem you have anyway? Do you not have grates in this world or do lab techs keep dropping waste down there to mutate the rats?"
"How: lots of magical unpleasantness and some human sacrifice. Why: probably to destroy the world, or something? I'd love a drink, but I've got brandy in my office, so you can keep your Chateau du Cat Piss with my blessing. Do you need food, or should I show you to Poe?"
She starts off briskly eastwards through the labyrinth of tunnels.
She smiles and puts out her blunt. She likes this woman more than she liked anyone in her old highschool. In her head she is memorizing the route, keeping time in her head for how long she needs to go down each corridor. "Whoever designed this place probably came from that portal, how you remember all of it?"
"Well, let's see. I have an eidetic memory... my mental processing speed is several dozen times that of a human... I have the ability to instinctually determine the best path to take at any time... I can read the future... I can see the power lines in the walls leading to Poe... the ley lines are aligned with the house of Venus... and I guess I've always just had kind of a knack for finding my way around."
"Not fair, I demand map or a phone app or something. You even have phones in this world? Actually what do you have in this world, that probably biggest question. I know there is weed and chocolate but what about less important shit?" Damara is slowly realizing that she might be taking this a little too calmly.
Her eyes glow with a bright, flickery light. After a few minutes of this, she closes her eyes and pops a Devisor-made headache pill. "Fuckering hell. Okay. So, you don't actually know most of the things unique to your world, but you'll be pleased to hear that we don't have the Wardens- those are the fuckers with the swords. Our world diverges from the public face of your world in around 1940, when folks started popping up with weird superpowers. Bare-bones on that: there are superheroes and supervillains, the morality on that is a damn sight greyer than it sounds like it should be, people are super fucking prejudiced against people with superpowers, who are called mutants. There have been literal torch-and-pitchfork mobs. For some reason our celebrities line up pretty well, but this verse's tech is way more advanced because we have mad scientists and they patent shit. Also, we have mad science drugs, which are cool. There's some geographical differences, there's an island in the Pacific made and owned by a supervillain and a lot of the former Soviet bloc is mutant-controlled. And Detroit got nuked a couple of years ago. That's the overview."
"I am going to try the shit out of those mad science drugs and no one will stop me." She smiles again, showing her gratefulness to Johanna in the most tactful way she is willing to do so, "Thank you for telling me all this old lady. As long as no assholes with swords are hunting me down I think I will stay. Do I have to worry too much about things in this school besides highschool bitches and mutant crocodiles?"
"We maintain a culture of bullying to inoculate our students against the harsh realities of life. You may want to get a protector of some kind; many of the bullies are more powerful than you are. Xan may serve, he's scared them off by setting them on fire enough times. Also, we occasionally have people trying to bring about some kind of apocalypse, but usually they're thwarted. Other than that I can't think of anything."
"[The important thing is that I speak whatever language causes your trousers to tent up.]" she says, leaning closer to him for the fun of it. She debates lighting a blunt so that she has something to blow into this man's face but there is a chance he would be less cool about such things then the headmistress. "Lead me to room now"
Harry leads her up the stairs uncomfortably. "Your room is 216, it's the only single available. It's the same floor as Xan and Leo, who you know already. Women's showers are over here, apparently they're much nicer than the men's. If you want the bed unlofted please ask me instead of just getting the nearest Exemplar to take it apart, that's hell on the insurance. I'll get you a standard-issue Whateley laptop too, for classwork and all that. Any questions?"
He vanishes in a puff of red flame, conceding victory to his resident.
"Not very well. I've got a little magic widget from a friend of mine that dries them out really quickly, otherwise I'd have to fluff the feathers out and get in there with a hairdryer every time I showered. Like long hair, but even worse." It shudders. (There is no hair anywhere on Sky's body. It does not seem bothered by this.)
Damara is going to figure out some way to sexually harass this being, if a sufficiently blunt statement would not do it then perhaps touching will. She steps closer to the being and runs a hand through its wings, feeling the feathers on her fingertips. "I like these" she says, playing with individual feathers using her fingers, "These feel so very strong."
"Bye bye birdy," Damara says, waving at Sky as she leaves. She laughs and strips out of her clothes, throwing them into a corner and then turning on the shower hot enough to turn her skin red and fill the room with steam. Her body shows the end result of multiple very close calls with wardens with large cuts from sword slashes and stabs across her torso.
The shower is quite literally miraculous. It responds to intention, its temperature and pressure are always perfect, and it doesn't seem to feel the need to hare too closely to the laws of physics. It's very soothing. Unless Damara doesn't want to be soothed, in which case it is not soothing at all. It's a very accommodating shower.
There are moods wherein a dangerously hot shower is the most soothing thing possible, Damara is in exactly that sort of mood. If no one else enters before she is finished she will walk out much calmer, soaking wet and with her hair down.
"Oh, thank God. Hey, Damara. Sky tells us you were harassing it."
"It just my way of saying hello," Damara replies, tilting her head slightly so that her hair would cover her face and she could achieve maximum creepy Japanese schoolgirl. "Anyway this will dry by itself, no need to waste power on it. In fact its my treat to this dorm." She sits down next to them. "You mentioned there would be weed?"
Leo bears hair-ruffling with dignity. "The secret is that if I don't actually resist, him dragging me places is actually just holding hands. And, you know, if you have to have somebody unapologetically running your life, he's not the worst guy to do it."
Xan chuckles. (Leo scowls and bats her hand away.) "Yeah, yeah, everything's a power play. But we're in the preliminary stages of all that. Still feeling you out for when you're established, et cetera. Speaking of which, you should probably get a codename. Any ideas?"
Damara shrugs, "I don't know... that really have to be part of being in this school." She thinks about it for a bit and then remembers some of the teasing she used to have to deal with. "How about witch, I mean these powers are magic right? Thats good, I will be the Time Witch."
They've reached the roof. "Alright, suit up. I'll carry Damara, since I can actually fly with passengers."
Xan and Leo twiddle their fingers at length while muttering. Once this is complete, there's a sequence of special effects reminiscent of a magical girl transformation, and they're abruptly dressed in black full plate. Leo's is inscribed with runes in some odd golden metal, whereas Xan's is in red. Their gauntlets have additional inscriptions in silver, and their helmets are exceedingly fancy and made primarily out of their accent materials.
It's all a bit flamboyant, but the end result is fairly menacing. Xan flips up his visor and nods. "Shall we?"
As he speaks, wings of crystallized blood burst out of his back along convenient prongs in his armor. Shadowy bat-wings do the same for Leo. They leap off the roof and soar towards a nearby tree, which turns out to be concealing an invisible treehouse. "Welcome to the Haven. Here, people who can fly get stoned. You are now among that august body."
"I am glad you are using your powers appropriately and responsibly." She takes out the blunt she had been smoking throughout this rather ridiculous day and lights it. "I might just join your team if you can make me look like a sailor senshi. They do have Sailor Moon in this world right?"
"God damn you to hell. Yes, I can name all the fucking senshi and design their costumes for you in appropriate colors and materials, and I can probably turn you into a fucking fan-senshi if you want. I was a little girl for a very long time, dammit!"
Damara just uses a paper and an actual refillable lighter with an etched sailor moon logo. "Its fine, she's probably enjoying herself meeting all the skeletons she loved digging up." She lights up and lays down, blowing smoke into the air. "O do hope the sex is good enough to justify that pipe"
"If you join our team, I can get Sally to make you some new needles. Maybe out of adamantium. That'll go straight through bone, you know. And she could inlay some mithril to help you focus your magic through them. That's what she did with our armor, it makes our magic work way better."
He takes in another puff. "And we're one of the clubs that gets to commit sanctioned violence. Which is fun."
"Okay sanctioned violence is fun," Damara says, looking slightly disappointed that Xan was unphased by the smoke. "Okay I will be on your team for as long as I decide its worth it." She takes another puff, this time blowing at Leo. She is going to get someone to couch dammit.
He concentrates for a moment and mutters a few words in Latin. His mouth is now covered with a mesh of woven shadows. He pushes his pipe through with no resistance and takes a puff, looking at Damara challengingly.
"Sanctioned, not contracted. Contracted is a different org, they're unsanctioned and they're a bunch of pretentious assholes. But we get to beat the shit out of anybody who's disturbing the peace, and we murder each other in the combat sims a lot. And sim murder is fun. No holds barred free-for-all, capture the flag with murder, dark Phoenix scenarios... It's a berserker's wet dream."
"There is no part of what you just said that I don't want into. I need more practice killing." She stands up and walks to the end of the tree house. "There is one last thing I want to test before I say yes, Catch me motherfucker!" And then Damara jumps out of the tree house as part of the worlds most absurd trust fall.
"I only tried to murder two people!" Damara complains facetiously, "One of them just doesn't have feeling from the dick down and the other one got healed by her girlfriend somehow after I turned her to cheese. And that fire was totally justified anyway, the fucking school was condemned."
"To the death, then. Sky'll probably be alright with you, honestly, they're good at taking the good in people. They just opened nice when they should have opened hard. This is a pretty good opportunity to see how you are in a fight, really. We've got sim time on Saturdays, we'll set something up tomorrow. And maybe we can arrange a Dark Phoenix, those are always fun."
"Yep. Basically it's a sim for when one of your team members goes evil and gets a massive power boost, and the rest of the team has to try to take them down. We had one for Ariel a while back where she absorbed the Magus Force and found the remnants of the Champion Force and decided that she was going to take over the wooooooorld. That was great."
Damara takes his hand. "I never tried it this way but we will see." She presses his hand tightly and thinks, concentrating on the idea of hurting him. She hits him with quite a bit of power, unfortunately since the two are directly touching she also hits herself. Her eyes widen but she tries her best to not show any signs of pain despite the fact that she is frying her own hand.
"[You must really love fucking dead dogs if you could choose one of those over me.]" She says, stepping closer to him. Her body moves very suddenly, skipping forward like a video on a bad internet connection. A lit joint is in her hand, she blows a cloud of smoke into his face. Benefits of time travel. "[All the weed is from me, dog-corpse fucker. So bring your paddle down on my ass.]"
Harry makes a twisting gesture with his hand. The smoke dissipates, and Damara's joint burns in on itself, the smoke feeding into the flame until it's nothing more than pungent ash. "Miss Megido, I don't want to antagonize you; you're a new student and you've apparently had a rough few days. But if you continue to harass me, you may find yourself unable to feel the effects of any mind-altering substance more potent than coffee. Not that I would do that to you intentionally, as I'm sure that's technically a form of cruel and unusual punishment. But I'm a chaos mage; to me, magic is like breathing. The right provocation just brings it out. And it can be remarkably difficult to remove that kind of effect."
The showers are not crowded, it being 8:30 on a Saturday. Two golden wing tips peek over the top of a shower partition, but their owner appears too busy with shower-related business to pay attention to the sound of footsteps.
"Hello birdy!" Damara says with the most exaggerated happy voice she can muster. She has no concrete plans for ruining the angel's day but she will figure out something after she gets herself freshened up for the morning. She turns the shower on hot and closes her eyes, letting the scalding water hit her face.
Damara reacts to this prank with unsettling laughter, even as the the jet of water knocks her to the ground and electricity courses through her body. 12 times over would apparently not be enough. "[Enjoying my hard nipples?]" She asks to the room on the off chance the prankster is listening. She gets to her feet and walks to her clothes, there is a wide smile on her face.
"Anyone here you know that likes playing with tech like that, Birdy?" she asks, trying to sound more cordial then usual.
Damara hands the towel back to Sky and puts her clothes back on, she decides Sky doesn't need to know what just happened to her. Not only was it embarrassing for her to be caught out like that, she also doubts Sky would be willing to be complicit in her revenge. "I just want to know who makes shit like that, my room is bare right now and holo decorations would be nice."
Sky's face lights up. "Oh! Well, if you're just looking for decorations, my boyfriend does some really nice hologram work, and he's always looking for commissions. And then there's Spark, she's an actual artist but she uses hard light displays for maximum effect, and... Do you want a list? I'd be happy to help you personalize your room, that sounds like a great way to adjust to a new world."
"Sure, list would be nice," Damara says, putting up her actually sweet smile. Maybe she will actually grab some decorations off of whichever one of these people isn't responsible for hurting her. She really hopes that Sky's boyfriend wasn't the one responsible but revenge is much more important then her relationship to the apparently very nice Angel. "You are very helpful, thanks."
"Oh! Sure." Sky shuffles through its bag for a piece of paper, then rapidly writes a neat series of names and room numbers on it. "This is everybody with expertise in holograms or other things that might be nice in a room. I marked the ones that live in Poe, so you can find them more easily. And I'll see you... in a bit, I guess, because apparently Xan recruited you?"
The first one to go after was Sky's boyfriend, at 10x speed she is a blur as she makes her way there. She really hopes she'd find her victim quickly, the ticking is giving her a headache.
She is doing her best not to seem actively sinister, there is an entirely good chance that she is looking at the person who will help her decorate. However she is completely on guard in case this is another trap.
He sits up. "Yes indeed. Sky's my SO. You fucked up on its pronouns, but I won't hold it against you. You also sexually harassed it yesterday, which I do hold against you, but Sky's decided to play nice, so I'll let it slide. Apart from zapping you, I mean. So I guess it might be more accurate to say we're even?"
She sees the visor he wears on his face and has an idea. "[If you want to be even give me those silly glasses, don't make me force them off you.]" She would give him five seconds, presumably he has a translator of some sort, even if he didn't she would make good on her threat.
"[Yes,]" she replies, although she says so while speeding up her internal time as fast as she can. The ticks extend longer, becoming louder as they cease to be ticks. At this point all Damara can hear is the gears grinding behind the clock, she grits her teeth and moves forward. She just needs to touch the visor before whatever defense system thats around it becomes active. If she can do that then she can reduce the visor to dust.
Time snapped on her, suddenly everything was going at the appropriate speed. She fell forward, landing on Hakim. Her head aches from the shock of the ticking forcing itself to go at full speed. Her hand is just on his face now, covered in the dust of what had been his visor. His actual face is completely untouched by her powers, as she intended.
"As I mentioned, there will be no next time, because we are in a state of détente as long as Sky tolerates you. And I don't have aspirin, but I can get you some Midol."
He retrieves a bottle, counts out three pills, and deposits them in Damara's hand. "Anyway, did you actually want to commission me, or was that just an excuse to break my shit? Because if the latter, feel free to get out of my room; if the former, my prices are reasonable and I also make combat holdouts at a fixed rate, I can get you a price sheet."
She hits herself on the side of the head in an attempt to get rid of the headache. "Like no cameras or random shocks? Because it be more easy for us if there is no cycle of revenge bullshit."
"I feel like that would be confusing in 3d hologram form," she says, heading towards the door. "I'll send you what I want and money, whenever I get money anyway. Right now I need to find where Xan is for some exercise or something. You know where that is? Sky is there too."
He sits back on his bed lazily. "Also, you're like five minutes late if that's what you're doing. I recommend hustle."
She gives him the traditional Damara good bye, a smile and a middle finger as she slams the door and then makes her way to the Arena, managing to be a full ten minutes late when she gets there. She hums a slightly inane tune as she walks in, not showing any outward signs of her headache or the drain on her energy.
"Xan wants me to consider you for team membership," he says without preamble. "Our sixth member isn't very reliable, so I'm open to the suggestion, but I don't know how well you'd fit with the group. What's your opinion on teamwork?"
He rolls his eyes. "Fortunately, all of your teammates are hot. Or, at least, they're all Exemplars, so they're symmetrical and they have clear skin. I can't guarantee Xan wouldn't screw you over, but you seem closest to him anyway, so what do I know? And you're not late per se, since you're not part of the team yet. But what you would have been late for if you were is the warmup exercises before they beat the hell out of each other and/or some simulated supervillain in the combat sims."
"I want in on the beating the hell out of people," she says, doing a few stretches of her own. The idea of beating people up has her excited enough that she isn't going out of her way to be sexual about stretching out. "You are making this sound like the best gym class ever, don't fail to satisfy me."
"Well, I could. I've got two feet on you, though, so unless you screwed with the timestream it seems like it'd probably be a pretty short fight. And powers would kind of defeat the purpose, so I think you'd be a better match for Leo. He's stronger and faster than a human, but not by all that much."
And then she goes for the safest move she can think of to open up the fight, a punch towards his balls.
She kicks at his leg, not hard enough to break anything but hard enough to trip him.
Her breathing is steady and measured, anyone with martial arts experience who looks at Damara could tell that she has been very well trained. She switches styles entirely, very suddenly closing the distance between them as opposed to dancing around him. She aims an elbow strike in Leo's stomach, hoping to knock the air out of his lungs.
Damara sees two choices before her, to end the fight quickly or to be deeply inappropriate. She picks the latter, rushing forward and taking the kick to her side. She braces herself as much as she can and leans up, trying to kiss leo on the cheek in an attempt to toy with him.
She tightens up her stomach, instinctively doing as she has been trained to do when Leo's fist makes contact with her. She keeps her stance strong as she weighs her options, and then decides that since magic is apparently a thing in this world that ending the fight with a quick chop at Leo's neck would not be too big of a deal.
The angel walks into the ring, pries Leo's fingers away, and pokes the afflicted area. "You got his cranial nerve pretty bad, plus a good chunk of the nastier muscle groups. He probably couldn't move his head without crying for a week if I wasn't here. Nice work." A faint golden glow materializes around its hands, flowing into Leo's bruised skin and slowly fading the angry color back into his usual skin tone.
"Good game," Leo contributes, still bent. "But next time can Xan get the shit beat out of him instead?"
"[I am a slut for many things, most of all sugar and chocolate.]" She snatches it out of the air and scarfs it down. She suddenly wonders if this universe has magical dentistry, she will have to ask later. "[So do I get another match? I like making boys tired and sweaty before knocking them to the ground.]"
"[I'll probably put you up against Sky. It's not actually holding a grudge against you anymore or whatever that was about, but it's a speedster, so we might as well test your top speed against its. Fair warning, though: it might break your arm. Beware of wings.]"
"[If I am allowed my powers then speed doesn't matter, otherwise it is free to kick my ass and heal me after.]" Damara takes out a maroon ribbon from her pocket and ties back her hair. She is taking this one more seriously. "[Thanks for the advice and the cookie, maybe I'll tease you less but you would have to have less cute reactions first.]"