He vanishes in a puff of red flame, conceding victory to his resident.
Damara lets out a little cheer at her victory and then falls asleep shirtless on the bed. She eventually wakes up in the middle of the night and goes for that shower, intending to be clean before she checks in the C-store has anything worth wearing.
Damara walks around the marble angel, confused. How is she supposed to sexually harass Sky to assert dominance if they have no sex to harass? "Hello," she says nervously, "I'm Damara, no codename yet... can you fly with those wings when they are full of water?"
"Not very well. I've got a little magic widget from a friend of mine that dries them out really quickly, otherwise I'd have to fluff the feathers out and get in there with a hairdryer every time I showered. Like long hair, but even worse." It shudders. (There is no hair anywhere on Sky's body. It does not seem bothered by this.)
Damara is going to figure out some way to sexually harass this being, if a sufficiently blunt statement would not do it then perhaps touching will. She steps closer to the being and runs a hand through its wings, feeling the feathers on her fingertips. "I like these" she says, playing with individual feathers using her fingers, "These feel so very strong."
She smiles and backs off, holding her hands up. "Alright, whatever you say big... birdy? I don't know, what right word for you?"
"Bye bye birdy," Damara says, waving at Sky as she leaves. She laughs and strips out of her clothes, throwing them into a corner and then turning on the shower hot enough to turn her skin red and fill the room with steam. Her body shows the end result of multiple very close calls with wardens with large cuts from sword slashes and stabs across her torso.
The shower is quite literally miraculous. It responds to intention, its temperature and pressure are always perfect, and it doesn't seem to feel the need to hare too closely to the laws of physics. It's very soothing. Unless Damara doesn't want to be soothed, in which case it is not soothing at all. It's a very accommodating shower.
There are moods wherein a dangerously hot shower is the most soothing thing possible, Damara is in exactly that sort of mood. If no one else enters before she is finished she will walk out much calmer, soaking wet and with her hair down.
"Oh, thank God. Hey, Damara. Sky tells us you were harassing it."
"Don't bully the angel, it's tacky. Nice... shirt. Do you want me to dry you or would you rather stay transparent?"
"It just my way of saying hello," Damara replies, tilting her head slightly so that her hair would cover her face and she could achieve maximum creepy Japanese schoolgirl. "Anyway this will dry by itself, no need to waste power on it. In fact its my treat to this dorm." She sits down next to them. "You mentioned there would be weed?"
"Leo, you're hilarious. No, sure, let's go get stoned. Can you fly?" He gets up and drags Leo towards the stairs.
"I didn't get fairy wings when I got the time magic so I don't think so." Damara follows them. "Where do I get a boyfriend that easy to boss around?" she asks Xan.
"Good fucking luck with that," snorts Xan. "Leo is a physically impossible level of pushover." With his free hand, he ruffles Leo's hair.
Leo bears hair-ruffling with dignity. "The secret is that if I don't actually resist, him dragging me places is actually just holding hands. And, you know, if you have to have somebody unapologetically running your life, he's not the worst guy to do it."
"Okay, yeah, that's a lie. But I don't mind him running my life. It's cozy."
"If you say so, no one gets to run my life but me," she says, clearly amused at the boyfriends. "Maybe I will make quick exceptions for those that supply me."
"I don't order anybody else around this blatantly, don't worry. If you end up doing my bidding it'll look like a total coincidence."
"A coincidence that gets me high, I hope. You on the other hand will do my bidding without getting any of my weed because I don't share."