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"A scrying glass for the common man."

Last night, the PEACE OF WESTCROWN was broken by numerous WILD MOBS, which sought to SLAUGHTER and PILLAGE loyal subjects of HER MAJESTY and disrupt the work of her CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. This violence was instigated by INFERNAL AGENTS, many of whom CLAIMED FALSELY to be serving the will of HOLY IOMEDAE. In truth, their aims were THOSE OF HELL. This is proved most strongly by the BRUTAL MURDER of a delegate to the Convention and CHOSEN OF IOMEDAE, Blei Artigas, who was slandered with false accusations of WORSHIPPING ASMODEUS.

Besides the ATROCITY already mentioned, the rioters killed several LORDS AND LADIES of the realm, along with many innocent citizens. They did not spare EVEN THE CHILDREN, and the cruel manner of their killings has not been seen since the reign of the HATED THRUNES. But the DEFENDERS OF THE PEOPLE did not allow these crimes to go unchallenged. The ARCHDUKE CORTES of Molthune led his men against the uprising from the back of a TAME GRYPHON, and it is said that an INFERNAL DEMAGOGUE surrendered immediately in the face of such a mighty CHAMPION OF GOOD. Elsewhere, in the BATTLE OF CHARTHAGNION MANOR, a meeting of lords assaulted amidst their dinner dealt SWIFT RETRIBUTION to the horde. The ARCHDUKE BLANXART, lately returned from the AGE OF ASPEX, slew more than a hundred before he was overwhelmed. By the grace of the HEALER-ARCHMAGE NAIMAH, these heroes and other victims of the massacres will soon be RETURNED TO LIFE.

The diabolist mobs also set myriad BLAZES, which threatened to CONSUME THE CITY. However, the HOSTS OF HEAVEN would not allow the Empire’s capital to burn for long. Six ARCHONS OF THE TRUMPET descended on radiant wings and sounded their GREAT HORNS, filling the Evil with a terrible fear of IOMEDAE’S JUSTICE and calling forth a TORRENT OF RAIN. In little time, no structure remained alight.

One may well wonder: how could the SERVANTS OF HELL, so recently laid low by our NOBLE QUEEN, gather crowds of such great size to carry out the SAVAGE ACTS you have heard of? Some were mere bandits and vagabonds, drawn by the prospect of LOOTING AND MAYHEM. But the heart of the matter is MORE INSIDIOUS. Diabolists are known to delight in turning the virtuous to EVIL ENDS, and many good men of Westcrown have reported that they were overcome with a STRANGE FEELING urging them to join the riots. A LEARNED WIZARD consulted on this matter revealed that there is a spell of the seventh circle known as MASS SUGGESTION, by which an INFERNAL MAGE or even a DEVIL might compel numerous people to form a FRENZIED MOB.

Whatever means they used to incite last night’s violence, the TRUE INSTIGATORS will soon be BROUGHT TO JUSTICE. Many are already in custody, and none of the rest can long evade the EYE OF AN ARCHMAGE. Their TIMES OF EXECUTION are not yet announced but will doubtless be swift. Soon ORDER IN WESTCROWN will be re-established, and the Constitutional Convention can return to its VITAL TASK of restoring the Empire to its glory and completing the FINAL DEFEAT OF DIABOLISM.

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Honestly that's probably about as good a spin on it as anyone could hope for. She pays for someone to make a couple hundred more of them.


The pamphlets aren’t funny after last night.  But Estella has realized she’d rather Eisethia Thea and her students didn’t die.  So she’s keeping an eye out on the latest publications.

This one seems a bit more… polished… than most.  No outright insane claims.  And it names lots of names so Thea and Dia can check it against known names and facts for blatant errors.

Thinking about it more… this pamphlet might be deliberate propaganda from the government?  It backs a narrative the crown might favor.  Its narrative creates a clear condemnation of the riots in a way people in the borderline of approving them can agree with.  If (and it’s an uncertain if) Estella’s theory is true, she should convince Thea should put this narrative forward.  Thea’s dislikes not being forthright, but maybe Dia can convince her.

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