Sleeping was a mistake
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"Count. Any news for us?"


"The queen would like some reclamation soldiers to join Xavier's in patrolling the streets, and the archmages can provide the teleportation circles to bring them here. I expect she is arranging that now."


"We will all be very grateful for their presence, I'm sure. I'm going to go invite the displaced Menadoran nobility to my mansion. You're of course welcome to come by if you'd like to speak with them."


"I will likely do that after I've done my part in arranging our reinforcements."


"News of Wain?" Probably not good, if he didn't mention it. 


"She'll get a trial. The queen says she expects to commute her sentence to exile, if she's convicted, but promises nothing."


Carlota grimaces. "I wonder if they should delay the trial until people have cooled off. It seems like very risky circumstances to have a real trial and I worry about the precedents that'd be set by having a lawless one." 


"Perhaps that's the intent. She did not seem to be in any hurry to hold the trial or discuss Wain's fate, given everything else that must be done."


"Let tempers cool and the dead be returned to life. It won't do the girl any lasting harm to have to think about her choices for a few weeks. Maybe we can get some nice laws passed like that people are entitled to speak under a truth spell in their own defense on capital charges where the state can afford it, or that nice law Lastwall has that there's no such thing as unintentional treason.


And she'll do fine in Axis, if it comes to that. I know the Goddess's priests are precious right now, and I know that most of the culpable errors here were by other people with far more opportunity to be less stupid than she ever had, but - there is by great fortune a place for people who in youthful foolishness fall short of Heaven where absolutely no one impedes us in growing up, and I can't say I get the sense that left to her own devices she won't grow up."

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