Blai in Haven City
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Blai could totally stay awake for 24 hours from now if he needed to! He's done things like that before! Some demons have darkvision or they can light up the night and spend all of it attacking! It's sunrise he needs! Yes, yes, sleep vocabulary, sure.


Then it will probably not resolve his concerns at all that Blayde offers him a bed in a windowless room where neither the yellow sun nor the green one will disturb him.


Well, it buys him some time to think!


Wow, thinking is terrible and he hates it! He will do his best to go to sleep instead. Dawn will wake him, or something that is sort of but not quite dawn will wake him, or it won't, it's in Iomedae's hands.


Dawn does come.


Oh thank Iomedae. ... Sarenrae?? Is Sarenrae partial to the one sun or is she a suns-in-general kind of - irrelevant! Spells!


No one has the slightest idea that this is a significant time but they can let him pray if he wants.


An hour later he is prepared to face the day! He opens the door, leaving his bag and its contents (now including his mail and mace) behind.


If he stays in the general living area and doesn't try to wander off into an armory nobody will immediately disturb him, though some people are watching him.


Are any of them talking or are they just kind of hanging out?


To each other, not immediately to him.


"Comprehend Languages."


" riots, I hope," someone is saying as he and another person trade off helping each other get their armor on.

"And lose our best excuse to shoot people and take cute prisoners?"


" there's anyone who'd treat her any better," someone says, and three people laugh.


"...think a sage is gonna help us?" someone sort of obliquely watching him is saying. "A moss-for-brains statue-fucker who dumped out his subspace pack for a bunch of slummers? 'Sides. The Precursors're dead anyway."

"Shut it, he's probably just pretending not to understand."

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