Blai in Haven City
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"I am a recent and untrained convert to my religion so I can't elaborate much."


"Sounds like it's a better one than what we have here. Anyway. What is the Precursor stone supposed to hatch into."


"They didn't specify beyond 'an enemy'. If I were guessing based on the name I guess I would guess 'a Precursor' but I don't even know what they were to begin with or if they laid eggs."


"...They're our gods. They made our planet. They didn't do it for us, I think. They abandoned us a long time ago. Maybe I'd sell them out if I had some other gods that made food every time I spent ten minutes praying to them, but I don't."


"...I would offer to attempt to promulgate the faith of Iomedae even though I expect not to be good at it, but even under ideal circumstances clerics make up a small percentage of the population, ones who are powerful enough to cast that spell again smaller, and also Iomedae in particular is having a busy year in a way that makes it very unlikely that She would pick anyone here even if everyone converted overnight."


"Know of any others like her or is it just her and the Precursors?"


"I know of many, though they're all different in domain and philosophy, but I think I would be even worse at that - not that I wouldn't try, if someone wants to hear it, but at that point you'd be trying to construct a religion based on very tenuous hearsay and there could be some purely structural reason why Sarenrae or Abadar might fail to contact you if you reached for them. After all, they don't already have churches established here. Precursors I hadn't heard of before landing here."


"You hadn't? That's... surprising. People say they made everything."


"On Golarion they say Pharasma made everything. They could be different everythings, though that just makes it even more confusing that a monster would be able to transport me from one to the other."


Torn has questions about the monster but not a lot since it’s not actually something he can do anything about.


Blai can describe it but he has no prior experience with the varietal of monster.


"Anyway. I can't promise anything about the stone but if I were you I'd go work miracles and preach. I don't think it'll help but I don't think anything's a better idea. Tell me if you get anywhere with that."



"Would you mind helping me workshop a translation of some sections of the Acts of Iomedae?"


Torn sighs and considers what else he has on his plate. "Might need to have someone else do it if it takes too long but let's see how far we get."


He has it in his pocket. (He also had Grec make another copy as soon as he got ahold of the first, and that one is in his bag at the hospital.) It's... not sermons. It's not at all sermons. But there are individual phrases that might survive translation and some very amateur stringing-together to become a sermon.


Torn can flag things that make no sense or need further explanation in this context. And he can provide some cultural notes. For instance, he has heard of Hell but doesn't find it obvious why destroying it would be a major priority.


"Because it tortures people, mostly, and also warps them into devils who further the cause of evil."


That second thing is news to him. "It does what? How did you hear about that?"


"'s commonly understood on Golarion that most afterlives gradually alter people, with more or less participation on their parts, into outsiders of the relevant plane."


"Not here. That's important if it's true but I don't see how to find out."


"I am not powerful enough to cast the spells that I have heard of which would corroborate it, though I can think of one that is only one circle away and it's not impossible I will get there while I am here."


"Probably not worth trying to convince people right now. I think... Iomedae won't be popular, can I get the three-sentence versions of a couple other gods just in case?"


"Abadar is the Lawful Neutral god of trade. His people on Golarion handle banking, loans, insurance, utterly confidential consultations, and coordination problems between adversaries. They are scrupulously fair and impartial.

"Sarenrae isn't popular on my continent but I know that She's a sun goddess, focused on redemption and - I think also temperance and honesty? Neutral Good. She was instrumental in preventing a Chaotic Evil destruction god from eating all of Creation. Shelyn is also Neutral Good and is the goddess of love and art and, again, redemption.

"Erastil is Lawful Good like Iomedae but much less of a martial deity, He's the god of farming and hunting. Known to be in favor of marriage and family and small villages. He has a realm in Heaven which doesn't participate directly in the fight against Evil, called the Summerlands, reportedly a pastoral sort of restful paradise."


"Sarenrae's the one I'd be least surprised to find out you got someone to worship," Torn says in such a way that it is very salient that this is a comparative and not an absolute. "For any of them but especially her and Iomedae you have to think - what's this going to sound like to people that think being nice or defeating evil or just having hope is practically a myth already?"


"...there's other gods but in most cases the farther away they get from Iomedae's outlook the less and the less flattering things I know about them. And with Pharasma I expect you'd run into the problem where you have your own understood creators. Uh... Desna is the Chaotic Good god of travel and the stars. Her people have run... smuggling operations, but mostly of novels and such."

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