She switches to the backstroke after ten laps. Ten more and she rolls over again; breaststroke. She has waterproof headphones and an audiobook going.
"I think most things are - boring at some levels of abstraction and interesting at others. I'd find arcball boring too if I hadn't buckled down to learn enough about it, but now where you'll be seeing someone throwing a ball to someone else I'm seeing how his blown-out shoulder from last year is still handicapping him and the other coach's lineup decisions putting these two players together and the weather conditions affecting everybody's traction and stuff."
"It is but I wouldn't have developed the taste for it if I hadn't needed to."
"At a certain point adding more complexity doesn't do much for accuracy anymore, it washes out with whatever factors I didn't account for."
"Plus it makes it take longer to chew through the data, and longer to enter the data. Although a lot of stuff I can scrape off official websites."
"The scraper itself must be a heck of a lot of work to code for, but I suppose the websites might be similar enough to each other that it's reasonably easy to find the data you need."
"Scraper's off the shelf, I'm afraid, I'm not much of a programmer."
"Ah, yeah, makes sense. Never wanted to improve or decided it wasn't worth it? Or just haven't gotten around to it?"
"Hasn't been worth the time. It's interesting but it wouldn't make it much easier to earn money for the time, and I have to be pretty focused on that."
"It's horrible is what it is. This kind of thing is what makes me sometimes think I'd make a good green."
"I think most other greys don't care about not getting to learn all of the things."
"Maybe more of them would if they'd been encouraged to consider it but yeah, nah."
"To the extent caste aptitude is inherited, one would expect most greys to not care about or want to look into learning for the sake of learning," he explains. "So the greys that are interested in that are the ones that deviate from the norm enough, and this deviation is greater—so there are more of them—the less strong the heritability of caste aptitude is."
"I don't know that the aptitude for it is selected against. A strong innate interest in it probably is, but the mere ability to pick things up - things in full generality - when they're suggested to you seems like it'd be neutral to positive."
"Sure. Better ability to switch careers instead of being four feet tall and fixated on the long jump. Better work/life balance, better ability to take care of yourself and your family with a little purplish and orangeish skill-building in the home..."
"Hmm, yeah, that makes sense. But the selection pressure applied by credits will probably limit its usefulness."
"Yeah, you might expect more of it in Voa where most of the bottleneck is in ease of partner selection."