"Mindset seems to go into a lot of it," says Ashras. "Sometimes I think the reason so few people get their wings is because they're not thinking of themselves as the sort of person who could, so they never think about their own accomplishments the right way."
"And in case you get the wrong idea, it's not all stuff like saving the world," says Elarron. "If you're really into writing books and you write a really good book, there you go. At least some of the time."
"If writing books counts I'm even more surprised it's not more common. Although if there's a fiddly mindset thing I suppose that could filter out arbitrary numbers of people."
"There's a mindset thing, it's at least somewhat fiddly, and I don't think it's the same for everybody," says Elarron. "Mine was pretty classic, except for the part where the thing I did that probably saved the world was a complete accident."
"Well, at least you're with the Kevarsins," says Inlaith, to the amusement of both his brothers.
"My go-to remark here would be that it would be pretty trivial to destroy the planet but I actually have no idea how hard it would be because your physics are weird."
"Most people try to be tactful around Dalvor. Members of our family are infamously willing to air remarks like 'that's a stupid idea' and 'you look like shit today' to his face. 'By the way, I could trivially destroy the planet' seems in the same genre."
"Well, I don't know if I could, for all I know your weird bivalve planet eats black holes for breakfast! But that's roughly the scale I could operate on were I bad news."
"Okay, I guess I can see the resemblance. ...What am I supposed to do with this?"
"I usually do think about that before I casually make things," says Cam. "Oops. If you don't think it's decorative I can just turn it into sand."
He snorts. "It's pretty enough, I guess." After a moment's reflection, he hands it to Inlaith. "Deal with this."
One of the pair is clearly a Kevarsin, with a Kevarsin face, Kevarsin wings - they match Faidre's almost exactly - and a Kevarsin tail. He is in the middle of making some sort of wry commentary not audible at this distance.
"Faidre. Troublemakers," he greets, with the faintest hint of a smile. Then he looks at Cam, noting the rounded ears and the goggles and the unusual tail. "Who's this?"
"A false-winged visitor from another world," says Faidre. "Elarron produced him somehow. He can make arbitrary objects out of nothing." He glances at Cam and makes a go-on-then gesture perhaps intended to elicit the conjuration of an object.
"...Does anybody actually need any arbitrary objects right now or should I just make another clam...?"
"You could get right to the point and conjure a force cannon, but it would be hard to fit out the door," the man with the black wings says dryly. "For demonstrative purposes, perhaps a light-wand."
"I don't know what those things are because I am from a completely different world with an unrelated magic system and dissimilar physics!" chirps Cam. "Also I haven't decided if I want to make you weapons yet and cannot, given the aforementioned, guarantee that a light-wand isn't one. Who wants a donut hole? They're delicious." He holds out a donut hole, chocolate glazed.