"I've never seen an Enemy get their wings. I didn't know it was possible," says Azair.
"Well, apparently they avoid it literally like the plague. Is there any known wing-related contagion effect among you lot, though?"
"It is more likely to get your wings if you know someone who already has... I've never heard anyone speculate that it was literally contagious. Anyone can get their wings."
The voice of a triplet puts in, "If I heard them right earlier, they said they can get the contagion from entering the Spheres. Suranse is a Sphere. If there is a contagion, we all have it."
"I don't want to kill you. I don't like killing people. But..." The aliens just call themselves "people", fucking typical. "...wingless people killed a lot of filth creatures - filth creatures," he adds, "are 'humans', and the humans don't want to die. If the humans don't want to die, and they can't stop being filth creatures, they have to kill the wingless people. Wingless people should stop trying to kill humans."
"Maybe you should repair some communications equipment and find me someone to talk to who does."
"I have noticed that. How much do I have to chase them before they'll talk to me?"
"So then all the wingless people left will be..." He gestures at this small terrified group. "You? Who don't want to try to kill anyone?"