Blai Artigas in places: The hottest, or should I say coldest, new trend!
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"Hrm... Let's see... Cabins and facilities for five hundred or so, easy. Maybe up to a thousand. There's less than a hundred of us but we can spread out more or take in strays. More pumps for the oil car down in the valley, and better heat and light inside the wreck. Cargo elevators for getting things up and down easier. This workshop and another, bigger one- This one's more of a place to develop new things, the tools that make tools. The other one made lots of standardized parts, lamps by the dozen and the like. We might be able to get the old onboard hothouse going again, and use night soil and skins and entrails to grow things. It won't sustain us by itself but it'll help. Steam and electrical power throughout the structure, for adding more tools if we can work out how to make them. Oh, the old infirmary- Well, it's not much use without a doctor. And there's still some sawmill and oil pumping equipment on board, a couple hundred old standardized prefabricated structures deep in the structure. Could build a lot of different things with those if we get them out and get the tools working."


"I can heal, though I don't know if the infirmary is laid out for that to be at its most efficient."


"It's a large barracks-style room with two dozen beds, each with machines to help people breathe or drip-feed them drugs or what have you. I'm no doctor."


"My most efficient healing option is a thirty foot burst. It's possible to build a room to allow quite a lot of people to be within thirty feet of me."


One of the New Londoners has been listening in and speaks up.

"I can definitely imagine the Captain building something like that. A sphere? Multiple levels, trams and walkways. There were always a few dozen injuries at a time- Frostbite, generally, but just as often being mangled by a machine or taking a nasty fall or stepping on broken glass or the like."


"I can do the burst twice a day, and substitute any spell I prepare for a commensurate amount of healing."


"There aren't enough of us here to make full use of that. We should try to get you to New London!"

"What, and leave us all here to the frost?"

"I'm sure New London would be happy to send aid out in return."

"Goons with truncheons and guns, more like. New London would be the death of us, mark my words. We shouldn't have anything to do with them."


"That's baseless fear-mongering! The city is prosperous, warm and industrious, and the Captain is a good man!"

"You're not listening to a word I say, you sanctimonious twit-"

"GENTLEMEN! Stop! This is what we are going to have a nice, orderly community meeting for. At the earliest opportunity. Yes? I'll not hear of it again until then."


Oh dear. He'll just mend this thing now how about.


The two arguers glare at each other and stiffly return to their tasks. The man in charge details someone to stand near Blai and explain how steam power works.


That's very cool!


They don't know how much he's understanding without the ability to get feedback so they just keep on going- There's several main ways to do it, and lots of ways to work with the steam, force, or electricity thus produced, like a lot of complicated crafts it's not a straightforward 'this method is best', it depends on context (which he tries to impart).


He blinks his eyes a couple times in confusion about electricity.


-Electricity is a force similar to lightning but in much smaller quantities. It's arcane and difficult to work with compared to force and steam; He personally doesn't know much about it besides that a box in the engineering room turns steamforce into electricity, it goes through wires and will short through metal if any of the wire is damaged, it's what powers the lights.


Wow. Okay. Mending mending mending - poof! It is mended.


On to the next one.

Uh... Next topic, daily life in the Old Dreadnought. This is how they get water. This is how they wash clothes. This is how the community meetings are supposed to work but, you know, most people have their own ideas and see the orderly rules as polite suggestions. The wake-up horn every morning keeps everyone to something like the same schedule but it'll blow three times quickly if there's a real emergency. And so on and so forth.


How do they get water and is it more or less efficient than Blai dumping ten gallons a round on a cistern somewhere?


They gather and melt snow, and Create Water is better than that!


Then when he mends this thing he can mention that Create Water is another one of the spells he can cast all day long!


There's a hopeful buzz in the people surrounding him as the day moves on. They tell him more things as he Mends and Creates Water- About surviving in the frost, about the other people they've seen in the past, someone is found who knows more history: The whole world was cooling when the British Empire fell and things are less cold now than they were at the worst, but still quite cold. They thank him a lot. They don't have a chance to ask a lot of questions since he's usually chanting.

Lunchtime comes around.


Is the long term trend on the temperature good or is this just a warmish year? Do they want Created food for lunch?


The long term trend on the temperature is... Unclear.

Five years after the frost, it was Horrible.

Ten years after, still Horrible.

Fifteen... Terrible, but slightly better.

Twenty... Still terrible.

Now... Maybe slightly less terrible?

And yes, they do want Created food for lunch. They'd like to store some of it away for the hunting party's return.


"That won't work. It will only last a day. I can prepare the spell every day, if we don't want that slot for anything else, but it needs to all be eaten within twenty four hours."



Oh. So maybe instead the hunting party has first dibs on Created food for a couple days when they get back. They'll divide everything equally-ish for now, with a bit of priority to the most malnourished. Scurvy is a bitch to fight off.


They wanted citrus, right? He can't make the spell do citrus and only citrus without lowballing its possible total output a lot, it's much more sharply limited on calories than on volume but it will not just give him 500 oranges. It will get him sixty-one oranges and twelve lemons and the rest of it is going to be fruit pies and vegetable pies and six copies of a chocolate almond thing he had in Egorian once and a few bowls' worth of lentils and eggs and broth and a loaf of brown bread, created already sliced up and buttered.


It's all delicious, even shared between four times as many people as it's meant for. Then the Meat comes out to supplement the fresh food. People relax and take it easy. A few pat him on the back and thank him for being a good sort. Several ask about God- His God, they mean, and how they can pray to thank Them.

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