There's about fifteen people in here, most of them cleaning up. Looks like most people already ate breakfast. They are in a pretty good mood overall.
"I swear, Bran is just not going to believe it at all- I wonder if Mister Miracle will stick around."
The other one snorts. "You saw June yesterday. She certainly wants to stick something."
"June is June. It's not like any of her other prospects are very good, now are they?"
"S'pose so... Anyway, this isn't anything solved for good, mind. I'd hardly believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, but there's still plenty that can go wrong. We don't even know when the next storm will be."
"Well, make the best of every day, that's what we'll do. Just think, there's a few old cores- We might be able to get the pumpjack going again, maybe even build a hothouse."
"Or build some kind of expedition vehicle."
"Or that, yeah. Make contact with New London, see if they're still around... They must be, right?"
"We'll only manage that if those New London brats are actually worth anything. Eating our food, burning our fuel..."
"Come off it. They know their stuff," someone not involved in the back-and-forth comments. "Kevin's teaching your kid math, isn't he?"
"-And it's not like the rest of us are helpless- Oh, there's the man of the hour. I'll go fetch more seal for him."
A young-ish man stands and greets Blai. "Hello! Welcome again to our humble home. I'm supposed to teach you English since I've got a limp and can't hunt anymore. Not that I know where to start. But maybe you can fix my prosthetic, eh?"
"Max, you're going about it all wrong! Small words! Sketching!"