Here is a sea of grass and rolling hills, stretching far as the eye can see. Far to the east and west, past the fields of green and autumn-orange, mountain ranges rise up and past the clouds: cliffs to the heavens, climbing without end.
"That really depends on whether you want to continue importing Golarion books through Axis. - you might only be able to do that while I'm here, it's probably less expensive when someone on this end at least knows the book exists, and I don't have specific knowledge about all that many books."
"Let's say if the information is worth less than half the value of the whole set." It's nine Wish+ diamonds and two dozen smaller.
Can't he pay for the information of how expensive the information is?...
"But what happens if you try to buy the information but what's here isn't enough to pay for it?"
"I probably don't get the information besides 'it's more expensive than this', and Iomedae may owe Axis in intervention budget, which I consider extremely important to avoid."
"Are you willing to ask to buy the information on diamond pricing with the implicit limit of all the diamonds on this spread, less the amount deducted for the book delivery?"
He counts them up, assesses their sizes. "I think probably what I want to do is - talk to Sroridekron Calantus a bit more about the present and future budget situation, and then, if it values being called more to earn more diamonds, it could volunteer the information. I think that's safest. What should I tell it about the longer-term budget situation?"
It has been long enough that preliminary assessments for this have been garnered.
"The Crown is willing to fund book purchases for the project related to theology, clerics or other topics of strategic, economic or public value at the previous exchange rate or up to 2000gp per book, at least ten more times—that is, a total of fifty books—this is expecting that most of those will be significantly less valuable on the margin than the first five.
"Other public and private institutions are willing to purchase general literature, fictional, historical or other, at a rate of 500 to 1000gp per book, up to at least a hundred books.
"500gp in the current market is approximately two of these" Wish "diamonds, or twenty of these" Limited Wish "diamonds. We expect Khelt's vaults to have enough liquidity in diamonds to prevent more than a 30% price squeeze if the trades are conducted gradually over the next two months.
"It is possible the bid for general literature will go up or down once the first books are distributed. Because of response to the content, not because of the change in scarcity; that part's priced into the estimate.
"There will likely be demand for books past the respective fifty and one hundred counts, but I don't have a confident prediction of prices thereof."
That's so many diamonds. "- I don't expect this to come up any time soon, but you should be aware that the reason diamonds are so valuable compared to gold, on Golarion-contacting markets, is that they're a material component for some spells including the ones that resurrect the dead. That's fifth circle, which is why I don't expect it to come up, but in case that changes anything about how willing the Crown is to part with them."
"...Even if Khelt has difficulty circling up our [Clerics], other nations may not have the problem, so... well, I don't think the numbers involved in book trading is going to put an appreciable dent in the world's diamonds, especially as there's a deep supply untapped in deconstructing old jewelry. Mostly it only sounds like we need to start importing diamonds before this becomes common knowledge. I'll have to consult with my superiors, but I don't believe it affects the projections for the next two months, so we can go ahead with them.
"What's the usage rate on diamonds—I assume they're consumed, not used as a focus? How many diamonds for a resurrection?"
High-level [Clerics] having the power of resurrection is pretty wild, but also old news that's been around the palace by now, so they're taking it in stride.
"They're consumed. How large a diamond you need depends on which spell you're using - Raise Dead wants one this size at fifth circle, Resurrection one at least yea big at seventh, True Resurrection at ninth wants one this big and that is also the circle and diamond size of a Miracle, a more freeform favor from one's god directly. Which spell you need depends on the recency of the death and the condition and availability of the remains. At fourth circle you want a diamond about that big, for Restoration - it can cure some otherwise permanent harms that are too much for Lesser Restoration, at second and without the component."
"It'll be useful if you can write down at some point an overview of known [Cleric] spells and their consumed components, but I don't believe it affects the deal at the volume we're offering at the moment."
"Then I will try explaining the matter to Sroridekron Calantus."
The time has come. He makes a couple notes and then starts casting.
Notetakers are at the ready! The facilities supervisor didn't finish his sketch last time and has brought the same drawing pad again.
Sroridekron Calantus appears. It takes some of the diamonds and puts down a stack of books: Melodies of Inner Beauty; Birth of Light and Truth, Book of Ashes; Manual of City-Building, Book of Numbers; The Eight Scrolls; Parables of Erastil. There's a little roll of paper on top of the stack with names on it.
"If you would be interested to know more about the budgetary situation here," says Blai, "and it is worth your time to hear it, with a view to possible arbitrage...?"
The inevitable doesn't do anything, but Blai takes that as acceptance (since it could disappear at will). He explains the budgetary situation.
"I think you and the third individual on the list will particularly benefit from meeting," says Sroridekron Calantus.
Blai bows a bit. "I will take that to mean that if they do they will pay you for the recommendation and you are confident enough in this recommendation given the remarks I have made to risk this not being the case on your own account, without Iomedae's budget being involved; if I am mistaken in this then probably your referral should be aware that I'm not as good at this as previous estimates might have indicated."
Sroridekron Calantus bobs in the air, takes one more diamond, and vanishes.