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Blai in The Wandering Inn
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"I don't have any reason to believe I'm being hurried out of the hotel we're in right now. Hello, I'm going to be staying here for the next few months and you should plan to go on without me."


"Congratulations, then. It's been a pleasure to have you with us."


"I wish you safe travels."


What shall he do next?

"Did you need assistance from the [Alchemists]?" Ernes suggests.


"I think the alchemy was to be toward the aim of resurrecting a person who fell in my defense during the kidnapping but apparently he's on his feet again. I don't know myself to need any other alchemical help."


Wild. Alchemy can resurrect people?? Maybe he's not understanding the Select right.

"I'll let the palace know. Was there anything you wished to do today, which I might assist with? Or anything you wanted to ask?"


"I think I will spend the rest of the day practicing with the local alphabet and working on my translation of the Acts of Iomedae; I'll need paper and ink."


Paper and ink can be acquired if needed! Via a recommended nearby store on the state's dime, since this is ostensibly expenses related to his (to be) contracted work; the palace has writing materials but it's a bit of a walk.

"Should I fetch you tomorrow, same time? I believe His Majesty The King will have documents drawn up by then, and I can also introduce you to the Scholarium staff who will be assisting with your work."


"Yes, I'll expect you then."


"Have a good day!"

And the rest of the day is his to alphabetize and translate.


Translation is a skill and not one Blai previously ever invested in, but he is capable of sitting at a desk for hours, writing what he already translated in the new alphabet and picking his way through translating more of it a few verses at a time.


Morning comes and he is fetched and the King is meeting him, in not the throne room because it's really annoying to talk over documents at a regal distance and without a table.

There's a contract, not very long, and in formal but not overly legalistic wording.


Blai will be granted Foreign Visitor1 status and must reside in Edojaf2 until at most the last day of the year, 32 Penecchest, during which he shall be employed full-time3 to teach and train citizens of Khelt on clerichood and surrounding institutions and traditions, towards the goal of establishing at least one clerical institution or tradition in Khelt capable of perpetually creating new [Clerics] and related classes, and capable of providing related services, as is conventional in Golarion. He shall not deliberately withhold any information or resources relevant to these goals, except where he judges it deleterious to the long-term stability and wellbeing of Khelt or the people of the world.

1Foreign Visitor status grants access to a larger set of districts than his current Visiting Trader status, but not all areas.

2Travel outside Edojaf for work or leisure may be permitted on a case-by-case basis by application to the Royal Scholarium.

3Thirty hours a week, with reasonable adjustment upward or downward to account for intensity of work.

For each month of Mouring and Elfebelfast, he shall at minimum:

  1. Answer all reasonable questions about clerichood and related topics by appointment during his office hours, which shall be at minimum six hours every week at during daylight hours, publicized a day in advance.
  2. Deliver at least two ≥1h lectures to an open audience, as an introductory-level primer on clerichood.
  3. Run at least two ≥4h workshop, classes or equivalent post-introductory tutelage sessions, intended to help interested persons gauge suitability and interest in clerichood and related work.
  4. Take at least 3 personal apprentices with the goal of making them [Clerics] and providing them the resources needed to succeed in the class.

The intent is to reserve the month of Liuwhe for orientation and preparation, and the month of Penecchest for travel and the preparation and arrangement thereof. However, Blai is free to undertake teaching duties and access Scholarium resources during those months.

Filtration for (i), (ii) and (iii) shall be by agreement between Blai and the Royal Scholarium; the selection for (iv) is entirely at Blai's discretion. Both Blai and an apprentice may discontinue an apprenticeship for any reason, but if discontinued by Blai shall not count towards the month's requirement. Apprentices from Mouring continuing into Penecchest do not count towards Penecchest, but a Mouring apprenticeship discontinued in Penecchest counts for Mouring.

If the requirements are not satisfied, Blai's Foreign Visitor status may be retracted and him released at a safe settlement outside the border of Khelt, without the agreed compensation.

Additionally, by 32 Penecchest, if the following are not satisfied:

  1. At least 3 citizens of Khelt have a [Cleric] or derivative class; and
  2. There is consensus between Blai and the Royal Scholarium that the clerical institutions or traditions established in Khelt are capable of creating and leveling new [Clerics], and of continuing in perpetuity under ordinary circumstances,

Blai will receive the agreed compensation, but shall additionally be obliged after his departure from Khelt to make reasonable efforts to be contactable, and continue correspondence at the Scholarium's expense with reasonable responsiveness, until those conditions are satisfied.

The agreed compensation for Blai's work under this contract is:

  1. He will be delivered to [destination to be determined] by no later than 32 Penecchest, by a journey of no more than four weeks1, at Khelt's expense; details to be negotiated at a later date.
  2. He will receive complimentary meals and accommodation, and an additional stipend of 60 gold pieces per week, from the Royal Scholarium for the duration of his residence in Khelt.

An [Editor]'s note indicates that Blai may propose additions to his compensation as the restoration of his petrified associate has been obviated, including but not limited to a lump sum of gold, or the contract may simply state that Blai has declined further compensation and is in the good favor of His Eternal Majesty King Fetohep of Khelt.

1Assuming Blai's destination is not in Rhir or Drath, which are not reasonably possible to reach in four weeks. The destination should be confirmed before finalizing any agreement.

He'll take gold in lieu of help with Klbkch since Klbkch is fine. This all seems more than reasonable, though of course he cannot, in fact, create clerics or [Clerics] on demand himself since he is not a god. If they are going to want more catechism than he can provide from memory and the occasional mention of other gods at the Acts, they're going to want Planar Inquiries, and the outsiders so called are going to want to be paid, and given the current resource situation of the paladin corner Blai would prefer that they be ready to substantially overpay; items of excellent trade value include certain gemstones, especially diamonds, but some outsiders will want to be paid in charity work, and that might have to all be aimed outside of Khelt because Khelt is so prosperous, though maybe there are parts of it he hasn't seen which could use it. This should probably be at the Crown's expense since they know their local landscape and can order more or fewer Inquiries as desired.


Yep, they can stick a 4000gp lump sum in his compensation. It's a year's salary for skill-based immigrants' teaching contracts, but he can negotiate if he thinks he's worth more.

(A representative from the Scholarium is taking the lead now.)

They're aware he can't create [Clerics]! Most people aren't capable of reliably inducing most classes, especially rarer ones, which [Cleric] is considered as. That's why not being able to create one isn't a requirement for him getting paid and only obliges him to continue correspondence; they're expecting a good chance that clause gets triggered and nobody's going to get mad about it if it's obvious he made a reasonable effort to make it happen.

They would love to summon outsiders! They weren't aware that was a thing they could do. It would be wonderful to have multiple sources. Where do they come from, what else can they talk about... sorry, that's not pertinent to today's discussion. They can procure gemstones—well, depending on how much the outsiders want, they guess—they... don't know much about charity work, but it can probably be done? (She only has a vague concept of what this looks like.) They're going to need the treasury to approve any large expenses but His Majesty says it's important and they're certainly not going to make Blai pay for it.


"I can summon neutral, neutral good, lawful neutral, and lawful good outsiders, but I'd rather avoid the latter even though my goddess is lawful good, because I don't want to overspend Her or Heaven's budget, at least not until I hear from one of the other kinds that it's all right or will be all right with some specific level of compensation. I'll probably start with an inevitable to get its help in determining what would be responsible, and maybe it will be able to get me some names of other outsiders who'd like to come by and help establish churches. Charity work is going to be things like - orphanages or disaster relief or supporting widows, things like that."


She's missing a lot of the context for the clarifications on outsiders but probably the promised lectures will make it clearer; it sounds alright, anyway.

What are orphanages?


"Orphanages are institutions that at state or church expense - or I guess you could do it on private charity alone - raise children who have no available relatives. Orphans, most centrally, but there are occasions where children whose parents are alive wind up in them."


"Oh, in war or accident, I suppose. That barely ever happens here, for both parents to die; I don't know what happens—probably a relative takes them in? Is it really a big enough thing you have whole institutions for it?

"Why would a child with living parents wind up in an orphanage?"


"In my native country it was not uncommon for women to fall pregnant while they were busy with study or work, by a man who was not a persistent figure in their lives, and leave her child at one for lack of relations she was close to. I think it is less common in most places."


"...Huh, right, other nations don't do the thing where—in Khelt, everyone is sterile until the Crown gives permission for you to have children. That must generate some weird social pressures."


"Huh. I don't think that's a known technique on Golarion. See, this is one reason why the charity might need to take place outside of Khelt."



"Quite possibly! We can figure out the details as we go. For the moment, though, any more amendments to the contract? You can take the copy back and sleep on it if you want. Oh, we did need to know where you want to be taken at the end, to make sure we can get you there on time?"


"The city is called Liscor."


Writing... "Continent?"


He definitely also remembers the name of the continent and will say it.

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