Here is a sea of grass and rolling hills, stretching far as the eye can see. Far to the east and west, past the fields of green and autumn-orange, mountain ranges rise up and past the clouds: cliffs to the heavens, climbing without end.
Here is a sea of grass and rolling hills, stretching far as the eye can see. Far to the east and west, past the fields of green and autumn-orange, mountain ranges rise up and past the clouds: cliffs to the heavens, climbing without end.
The feeling mounts exponentially as he takes actions towards this end, but—if he powers through it regardless, his muscles will physically lock up before he can actually make the vault.
...The effect seems to cover indirect means, so he can't intend and execute the casting as a step in jumping off the balcony, but it doesn't seem to be self-protecting, so if he can abstract his intentions correctly, he can cast it in isolation to counter the compulsion, and then afterwards form and execute on whatever intentions he likes.
It takes him a moment, but, like, he did prepare this spell because he thought it might be very generally useful in the course of being kidnapped and - hm - he distracts himself for a moment by pulling his shirt off and fashioning it into a bag so he can hang it from the belt hook that usually carries his mace, and then, oh right, there's an ambient enchantment effect here, he should suppress it - there.
Then he jumps off the balcony.
"Lady Gazi, the man you abducted appears to be able to circumvent [Guest of the King]," he says to thin air.
Hey, so, that spell you have there, it lasts one round per level. How far can you run in the time left after jumping off the balcony?
Thirty feet times five rounds left since he has to concentrate on the spell and can't just bolt? 150 feet.
Yeah, that's not far enough. When it runs out, he's beset by IMMENSE HORROR at the appalling faux pas he's committed, and is compelled to reverse course and walk back to the castle.
How strange.
"Whatever it was that enabled him to slip my Skill, it has lapsed," he tells Gazi. He orders the palace guards, who had been alarmed by the sudden appearance of a human running across the grounds, to stand down.
Okay but what if he DOESN'T turn around and go back though. Yes it was very rude and he is so embarrassed or whatever but has his brain considered that actually going back is ILLEGAL and that unlike being embarrassed matters literally at all.
Then he can be mind-controlled to walk back and simultaneously be the mind-control equivalent of being scolded for being a misbehaving child.
The palace staff will uncomfortably welcome him back and direct him to his assigned guest wing again. Good thing Reim doesn't entertain foreign diplomats in the palace these days.
Also, they're going to activate the [Force Wall] spells over the windows and balconies. They're visible as optical distortions in the air, and are tough to the touch.
He sits. He nibbles on his conjured food. (He carefully did not conjure anything that visually resembled the provided snacks to minimize the possibility of confusion about whether he was accepting their hospitality; he's got boiled eggs and cheese-filled buns and handpies.)
My intention is that no one should ever accomplish anything of value by kidnapping me and ideally should lose all resources outlaid in the process of the kidnapping. This intention is more important to me than most things up to and including my life.
"What do you make of this?"
This puts a lot of his behavior into context. Not an insane man, but simply a man with insane principles. She can respect that, a little.
"A fascinating and highly inconvenient policy," Gazi decrees.
"But you represent our lord poorly, and it will only serve to reinforce that impression if word comes to Chandrar, when Reim is already in a precarious position."