Here is a sea of grass and rolling hills, stretching far as the eye can see. Far to the east and west, past the fields of green and autumn-orange, mountain ranges rise up and past the clouds: cliffs to the heavens, climbing without end.
Time's up, sleepy time now. Is he mysteriously poison resistant this time? Does she need to [Dispel] him again?
Next time, he wakes in a shallow cave. It's light out. Cold, but not freezing. Same deal, food and water. Is he thirsty enough to at least drink after more than twenty hours?
There's a force barrier blocking the exit. The temporary runes are painted on the outside of the barrier. Gazi is on the outside this time.
It's a new day; his channels are back.
Nah, she's not letting him be awake to prepare spells so he's going to save that one on the off-chance that she lets him escape again.
Yup! Unless she asks him any questions in which case he'll repeat that unfortunately he doesn't seem to be in a position to make any appointments right now.
He won't literally die before they get to Reim, which is the important part.
After about two weeks, he will wake someplace different. Well, someplace even more different than the variety of locked rooms, caves, and one occasion a moving carriage during which he's bound to a beam and enchanted(?) not to make any noise.
It's actually gotten kinda hard to register that sort of thing. He's been on short rations, he's gone without both of food and water for a long weekend, but this is his first time he's been this long without eating anything.
He wakes on a bed, in a fairly fancy bedroom. There are large curtains closed over the windows. There's a table with dried fruit and nuts and other snacks, bread and jam, a pitcher of water, a smaller pitcher of juice, and a couple of cups.
There's a note deeply apologizing for the circumstances of his arrival, stating that the situation is still being investigated, and inviting him to make use of the amenities in the room. It's signed the King's Steward.
He's not going to take their food but at this point he'll Create some and start working through that. Carefully. He's heard of refeeding syndrome.
After a few hours, a servant will pop in with a proper meal. They're a human, not a stitch-person. They'll look slightly confused if there's evidence of the Created food, but will ask if there's anything Blai needs.
"Yes, I require transport back to my home in Liscor. I have been kidnapped. You should alert whoever is in charge here that Adventurer Gazi is a kidnapper using their building to house the victim."
"You're in the royal palace at Reim," says the servant. "The King's Steward has been speaking to—Adventurer Gazi—to understand the situation, but asks that you remain within the guest wing for the time being. I can relay to him that you would like to speak to him to present your account, if you feel well enough."
"No, I have no desire to speak with him at this time. What is the reasoning behind the request that I remain in the guest wing?"
"My lord steward did not explain it to me, and I would not dare speculate," they say apologetically.
"Okay. My intention is that no one should ever accomplish anything of value by kidnapping me and ideally should lose all resources outlaid in the process of the kidnapping. This intention is more important to me than most things up to and including my life. I have no wish to harm anyone who did not kidnap me, as I understand that, among other constraints, many good and moral people might nonetheless feel coerced by a powerful adventurer around them behaving unlawfully and endangering them by putting them into contact with potentially erratic kidnapping victims, and do not hold everyone to the standard of upholding my anti-kidnapping principle. That having been said, I am going to attempt to leave."
He gathers up his uneaten food in his shirt and heads for the door.
"I will relay that to my lord steward," says the servant, getting out of the way. "You're allowed free roam of unlocked areas in the wing, but, uh," they're not really sure how to respond to that so they're just going to sort of make a [Service Exit] while Blai's not looking.
Blai attempts to go Out, holding his food in his shirt with one hand and repeating Guidance with the other. Where and how he is stymied in this process depends on the castle and its occupants.
He's allowed out of his room! Now that he's been greeted, he has free roam of this guest wing, which includes a large hallway with fancy seats, some locked doors to possibly other guest rooms, a sitting room, a solarium with a nice view of the palace grounds and the city, a small library with books in script he can't read, bathrooms, locked service entrances, and the large set of doors probably going to the rest of the palace, also locked.
If he ever tries to look for a servant for some reason, one will inexplicably be right around the corner, and there's an attendant by the big doors, but nobody else in the wing. The attendant will not stop him from trying the doors.
There are windows; some but not all of them are locked.
There's a balcony overlooking the gardens.
It's the third floor; there are no stairs up or down.
A sense of dread fills him when he forms the intention, what one might describe as inexplicable and incredibly intense social anxiety.