Here is a sea of grass and rolling hills, stretching far as the eye can see. Far to the east and west, past the fields of green and autumn-orange, mountain ranges rise up and past the clouds: cliffs to the heavens, climbing without end.
Okay. He comes out of it with spells completely as normal. Eats breakfast. Collects Dross where he's waiting at the inn and casts Share Language again. Goes to make sure that he can retain the rental of the hall for channels as before; hits up the Watch to distribute Restorations.
Hall is available for rent. Does he want to just book it for the rest of the week? Free cancellation is a day's notice. The Watch bidding market is paying 6 gold today. (Some people who were out yesterday caught wind and decided to hang out here specifically to catch him.)
What will he do this pleasant Nendas afternoon? Browse the city hall billboards? The Adventurer's Guild boards? Shopping? Look for more chess? Try selling someone Prestidigitation? Hire a language tutor?
"Do you prefer trying to teach me the local common yourself or is there someone else you'd recommend?" Blai asks Dross.
On one hand, he likes money. On the other, "I probably won't be very good at it? I don't know how... teaching language works. I guess not a lot of people know. Everyone from Izril speaks common. But maybe you want someone who can explain, like—proper grammar, and stuff?"
"Not necessarily, if you can correct me when I use improper grammar." He learned Infernal in a school setting, lots of memorization and drilling, but he picked up common Taldane by exposure alone. Admittedly it did help that it's not dissimilar to Chelish.
"The room doesn't really have a table we can both sit at and I was imagining starting with the alphabet."
"...My house? Er. My parents' house." He should not invite his boss to his parents' house??? "Could rent a room at a... tavern?"
Yeah he has never had the need to consider this question.
Shrug. "The downstairs of my inn might be fine, it's seldom full." Can they catch a table there?
Sure, the innkeeper won't even bother him to buy a drink now and then since she knows he's a paying guest.
Dross can do that! It works in a way similar to Taldane—limited characterset, phonetic correspondence, occasional bafflement—so it won't be that hard to pick up the basics of.
Blai will start making a glossary, then, of the spellings of words he knows, like all the chess pieces and "cleric" and "channel" and "spell".
"I make five silver a day normally from jobs, so, uh, seven is fine with me?" He doesn't want to ask too much because then Blai is just going to hire someone else. "The extra because my usual jobs are leveling, and this isn't."