Here is a sea of grass and rolling hills, stretching far as the eye can see. Far to the east and west, past the fields of green and autumn-orange, mountain ranges rise up and past the clouds: cliffs to the heavens, climbing without end.
"As I have other duties, I will leave you with Guardsman Jeiss."
He nods to the Drake.
"Yeah, let's get this over with," Jeiss yawns. "Come on, let's get a room."
He'll lead the way.
"Woah." Jeiss blinks, testing out the new language taking up residence in his brain. "Neat skill—spell? skill?"
No, not a "spell-like ability", what in the hells?
"Uh, okay. That makes this easier. How long does this thing last?"
He's not sure he likes it??
"It's a spell. It lasts twenty-four hours while the one that lets me understand is a lower circle but lasts not even a full hour. I can't dismiss it early, I apologize if it was unwelcome."
"It's fine" he dismisses. "So you're a wizard?"
He sounds a little skeptical. Doesn't look like a wizard. Or maybe this is what human wizards look like.
"I... am an empowered servant of the goddess Iomedae. Many but not all wizard spells are also cleric spells and vice-versa."
Jeiss looks distracted for a moment, then shakes himself awake.
"Uh, you're a—" he squints and lapses back into common "—servant with wizard spells?"
"No, I have divine magic that I receive from my god, it's 'servant' in the sense that I enact Her will in the world as best I can not in the sense that my occupation is much like that of non-clerics you might call servants." takes a few seconds for Jeiss to recollect his thoughts.
"Uh, I don't understand the first part of what you just said." Did he get enough sleep last night?
He kind of thought that a wizard was the same thing as a spellcaster, but whatever. (He doesn't quite bother to interrogate the nuances.)
"Right. Where were we. This thing lasts twenty-four hours, you said. But yours only lasts one?"
He shakes his head.
"Klbkch drilled me on this whole question tree but I've forgotten half of it by now. Let's start with you, no point wasting time. You're a spellcaster, you said. Tell me about yourself. Where are you from, what do you do..."
"I am from the country of Cheliax and until recently was operating a fort at the edge of the Worldwound, a recently-closed portal to the Abyss through which arbitrary numbers of demons could enter the Material. I was transported here on my way to the capital city, Westcrown, where I was invited to participate in a constitutional convention as one of the religious delegates."
The Abyss?? He's pretty sure he's not interpreting that correctly, and he doesn't think "demons" is the ones in Rhir, but just to be sure—
"Where is Cheliax? Where's the Abyss?"
"A Chaotic Evil plane." The words for "chaotic" and "evil" are being rendered weirdly, there, but first of all: "Congratulations on the closed portal, I guess?" He kind of thought those were fake things made up for stories, and he's still not sure they aren't, but a peek at the truth stone in his palm says the human at least believes it. You learn new things every day.
"And where is Avistan, again—Klbkch drew you a map, yesterday, but he's not sure what you meant—"
"Avistan is a continent on the planet of Golarion, which doesn't so far as I'm aware have continents shaped like those on that map. I was not instrumental in closing the portal, that was a party of archmages, I just prevented demons from crossing the border."
If you serve in a war by fort a fort you still helped win it! But also—
"Planet?" There are many weird concepts tangled up in the world, but saliently, "Golarion is a ball... world?"
"No?" Jeiss has never really thought of the world as an object with a shape before. "Do people just live on top? Is it small?"
"It's very large, and down is toward the center of the ball, so all of the surface of it is the top."