Here is a sea of grass and rolling hills, stretching far as the eye can see. Far to the east and west, past the fields of green and autumn-orange, mountain ranges rise up and past the clouds: cliffs to the heavens, climbing without end.
He is not intruded upon on the way to the Watch Building! It's a different receptionist from yesterday.
"How may I help you?" he asks.
No idea what he just said!
"I don't speak... that."
The Watch Captain said something about the healing human possibly coming by for healing but that was, like, five hours ago and he's new to the job and got [Basic Notetaking] instead of a memory skill of some kind which doesn't help when he's not holding pen and paper but nobody remembers that. Well, he could have written it down afterwards. But he didn't.
"Uh, are you here to do healing? I don't think we have anyone injured right now..." He yells towards the yard, "Relc, anyone need healing?"
There's a few loud clanks, then a large, light green Drake pokes a head through the door.
"Who on earth's gonna be hurt in the middle of a Beithday in the barracks? I'll kick their ass myself. Oh, hey, mister. What's going on here? Hey, are you the [Healer] guy the Captain was going on about?"
"You fix healed injuries, right—"
He'll go up and yell at people to get their tails downstairs if they want their bones fixed. There's a bit of argumentation ("I still think it's a scam," "Who's going to scam a bunch of Guardsmen right in the middle of a Watch Station?"), a bit of asking how many pops Blai is selling, how long he's staying, then and some heated bidding, and they'll manage a highest offer of 5 gold, followed by 4 gold and 6 silver.
Well, if that's what they can pull together today that's fine, he doesn't get to roll unused spells over to the next day. He will do the 5 gold person first.
"...That was fast," says some other guy.
"I think it worked." The 5 gold person bounces a bit. "Hey, Belsc, can I kick you?"
"It worked," he proclaims.
Bidding goes up to five and a half gold.
He has another one! He will indicate this by mime when he has cast the second and show himself out.
Hope he comes back tomorrow! Maybe the price will go down, someone speculates.
Where does he wish to go now?
Enough time to squeeze in a quick lunch? This is still the city-centerish area, so even the street food is pretty overpriced, but he can get a solid meal for eight copper*.
*200 copper : 20 silver : 1 gold
Meat pie obtained!
The site is set up when he gets there, and is pretty much as advertised. The way the corridors work mean he might catch a passer-by with the outer edge of his channel radius, as the room itself only goes 25 feet. The reception asks him if he wants them to do traffic control and payment collection for him? Standard is a 2% commission.
Healing! Impressed sounds. Probably at some point people will stop being impressed by positive energy channeling, but that point is not this point.
The clients disperse and Blai gets his money.
Which he goes to deposit in the bank promptly; he hasn't actually seen much crime or evidence thereof but it's too much to walk around with.
This is slightly difficult to do without being able to speak common, but thankfully his species is sufficiently distinguishing that it's not too much trouble.
Up he goes!
[Arcanist] Arxam is reading a book while sipping a cup of tea(?). He closes it when Blai enters.
"How went your day? Or the last few hours, I suppose."