Here is a sea of grass and rolling hills, stretching far as the eye can see. Far to the east and west, past the fields of green and autumn-orange, mountain ranges rise up and past the clouds: cliffs to the heavens, climbing without end.
Klbkch will put him in the old stripped-down medical office upstairs. It's reasonably clean and has a cot and a door that locks from the inside.
Technically, Blai is free to go as he is allowed in the city, has committed no crime, and is not judged to be a danger to public safety. However, since it will probably be inconvenient if someone he is provoked into a dispute, Klbkch decides that he will not make particular effort to communicate this through the language barrier.
"I will return tomorrow?"
"Yes. Sunrise, half half half half day, understand language." An hour is not exactly a sixteenth of a day but it's close.
Klbkch is not entirely sure what that means. Hopefully it doesn't mean the Skill only lasts for an hour and a half, but it'll still be greatly useful if so.
He'll bring Blai a bucket of water and Watch rations from the store room in case he's hungry—it's nearing sunset, at this point—and leave him to it if there are no further issues.
Blai looks at the water, produces his travel mug, and then demonstrates refilling it with Create Water.
Klbkch is surprised, though if you don't know him it's hard to tell. The human has some form of [Translation] and a Cornucopia Skill? Or is it a magic cup—why is he showing him this—
"You don't need the water?" he asks.
He nods to indicate he understands.
"It is here already," he says. "You can use it or not."
Then Klbkch will leave him be and go report to the Watch Captain; at this point, not doing so would be an oversight.
Blai will Prestidigitate himself some chess pieces and play against himself for a bit till he feels like he could sleep, then do that.
After leaving instructions with the guards in duty, Klbkch heads across town to look for Zevara in her office.
"Watch Captain," he greets.
She's a tall, light blue Drake with a scar down the left side of her face. She glances up from a report she's editing as he enters.
"The rumor mill says you have an interesting visitor."
"He called himself Select Blai Artigas. Melys caught him at the gate. He does not speak any language I have encountered. We established rudimentary vocabulary in common and he claims that he will have [Translation] available tomorrow."
"That's not all."
"...The human did not recognize the continents I drew. He claims to be from 'Cheliax', 'Avistan', 'Golarion', 'Avistan' being the continent."
Zevara furrows her brow. "I take that you've heard of those no more than I have."
"He may be claiming that 'Golarion' is a bubble dimension, but I am probably misunderstanding."
"That's not a real thing. Is it?"
Klbkch is silent.
"You don't think he's from some remote isle in Drath."
"It is possible," Klbkch acknowledges. "He does not know how he arrived here or how to return." But it would be surprising if it were possible to accidentally travel from Drath to Izril.
"Well, if he follows the law and pays his taxes like everyone else, it's none of our business."
"He has been cooperative with our requests and, by my estimate, does not pose a risk to public safety "
"What's his class?"
"He claims to have [Translation] and demonstrated [Create Water], or something similar. But he carries a mace."
"I am inclined against further speculation until better communication is established."
"Fine. Recommendations?"
"Conduct an intake interview and release him."
"He isn't currently detained, is he?"
"I lodged him in the east gatehouse with a note for the night shift."
Zevara sighs. "That's fine. Do you plan on conducting it yourself? I don't want Relc running tomorrow's training on his own."
Klbkch's mandibles twitch. "I will brief Senior Guardsman Jeiss and introduce them."
"Acceptable." She pauses. "Did the human react to your appearance?"
"Not to the extent one expects. He has very controlled composure."
"Strange." She shakes her head. "Anything else?"
"I'll request the report from Jeiss. Dismissed."
No one interrupts Blai through the night, though the gatehouse sees a trickle of traffic through the night, and the voices downstairs aren't rowdy but not exactly quiet either. Not enough to bother a deep sleeper, though.
Someone will knock on the door an hour after dawn.
It's Klbkch, accompanied by a scowling gray-scaled Drake.
"Can you understand our language today?" Klbkch asks.
The meaning is technically ambiguous, but Klbkch is going to take that he can't.
"Is this in a way where you can understand our words as spoken and can therefore learn the language faster, or where you hear the words we speak in your own language? Please nod for the former."
"I am Senior Guardsman Klbkch, of Liscor's City Watch. This is Senior Guardsman Jeiss. You are in the city-state of Liscor, located in the continent of Izril. You are not currently under arrest and have the right of entry to the city by default.
"However, I believe it is in your interests to establish a common understanding with the City Watch. If you allow Senior Guardsman Jeiss to interview you for one hour, during which you may also ask reasonable questions, the Watch will loan you this map of the city—"
He unfolds it from his pack and presents it; it's not particularly high quality but has the major streets, market districts and important buildings marked.
"—to be returned after a maximum of one week to any Watch facility, which are identifiable by this symbol above the door."
He flashes his badge.
"Is there anything you did not understand?"