Here is a sea of grass and rolling hills, stretching far as the eye can see. Far to the east and west, past the fields of green and autumn-orange, mountain ranges rise up and past the clouds: cliffs to the heavens, climbing without end.
"I still have the one I cast earlier active, it lasts an hour -" Checkered mat, chess piece chess piece chess piece...
"Fascinating. It is not conjuration, yet..."
He squints and starts shaping mana.
"This spell does more than conjure temporary objects, does it not?"
"Yes, but I'm not very good at it and this is the only use I really mastered. When an actual wizard casts it they can also change things' colors and flavors and temperatures and clean things."
"Yes, I can begin to..."
He twitches a claw, and his pen rolls across the table, as if gently knocked.
He shakes his head.
"Not quite it Ingenious. You may be able to patent it. It is considerably different from how most spells are structured, but not such that a [Mage] could not learn it. At the least it will make an impact among the theoreticists."
"That is a point," he concedes. "I know several [Theoretical Mages] who would trade you much to be taught it, if that is more in line with your honor? As you are in need of expert counsel."
"If you are available tomorrow, at the same time? I'll note that general consultations past the first are normally four silver an hour, but I'll waive the fee for the follow-up for the inconvenience.
"And of course you need not wait on me for your business with the magisters. Isidth can make you separate appointments at the House when you leave."
Dross doesn't evince any symptoms of not understanding, at least.
"Very well. Pleased to do business with you. I look forward to discussing more to tomorrow."
The secretary Drake who's been taking notes in the corner will hold the door for them and ask them once they're outside if want to make an appointment with [Arcanist] Arxam about Golarion magic and, the headache problem and/or studying enhancing his channeling?
It takes a few seconds of loading screen expression for her to figure out the disconnect here.
"The House of Magisters is a teaching and research institute—mostly, though not exclusively, of [Mages] and magic, and closely affiliated with the Mage's Guild. The [Magister] class is actually rare and often unrelated to magic, but in southern Izril, the term is a general expression for the staff of similar institutes. [Arcanist] Arxam is a magister specialising in low-level spell development and spell interactions. Though I think you are correct that he is not a best choice for a... I'm actually unclear what class of problem yours is."
"Then perhaps you may as well bring it to the [Arcanist], especially as your translation has limited uses? Your decision."
She'll take them down to an inner lobby and check the registries.
"—looks like [Arcanist] Arxam takes walk-ins during his office hours, which are Llorna* to Beithdays**, 9 to 12pm, no need to make an appointment."
"And I'll pen you in for a meeting with [Consultant Mage] Meirryl tomorrow, same time... all set. Is there anything more I can help you with?"
"I think we're done here for now." Unless he's forgetting something! Maybe he is forgetting something!