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Blai in The Wandering Inn
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"...We actually can't just sign off on the release of someone on a wanted list for no reason, unless we... hire her?" She has a near-unique class, but it's not actually indicated by their logistics situation as a useful war asset, but it's not an impossible sell. "Do you expect she might cooperate with, for example, a nominal three-year term of military service in exchange for release and indefinite safe harbor in Manus? She wouldn't have to be deployed in combat unless she wants to."


"I don't know her well enough to be confident but I wouldn't be surprised if she were amenable to that."


"A second resort would be to launder the connection through the Silverfang tribe—the Meeting of Tribes is this year, and I assume they want their [Cleric] back—but that imposes more costs on you and has more moving parts than is preferable."


"Costs like what?"


"Mainly that looping in the Silverfangs would make it harder to keep your involvement secret."


"I don't expect it to be a problem for the Silverfangs themselves to know, I just anticipate it being unpleasant if Zeres does."


" If you trust them to keep a secret." Ferris shrugs. "If that's a route you prefer, you'd need to bring at least one representative of them to Manus."


"And what's the trip like?"


"We'll provide a boat and carriage. Nine days, each way."


"And this would be soon? It's slow for healings so it's a good time for it if I'm going to go somewhere."


"We're ready to go whenever you are... there was one other thing I wanted to ask, first."


"I'm not sure yet that I'm going, it just seems like an option. What's your question?"


"The Voyager reported that she had been suggested to visit our archives by Antinium contacts, and you've also been noted to have—dalliances with them. Are you at liberty to say what their role in this business is?"


"I'd recommend you apply to them directly."




"'Is there any more information that would help you make a decision on whether to go?"


"Well, I don't know what the Silverfangs will think about all this, and I can't ask them, because they are not included in the confidentiality agreement. I don't know if the Voyager would prefer the military service option and can't ask her either."


"I can [Message] to Manus to request her preferences. If she indicates that she prefers the option with her tribe, I could except that you be allowed to inform up to two members of the Silverfangs of your choice, under the same confidentiality terms, that an official in Manus wants a favor from you and is willing to trade the Voyager's release in exchange, under the Silverfang tribe's name."


"You aren't concerned that my asking around among the Silverfangs to decide who to discuss this with might itself be notable even if I don't explain why in front of anyone else?"


"You're a known associate of Silverfang, and I was imagining you would contact the local leader—I don't know who it is, but I suspect any local Gnoll would be able to tell you—and possibly have to brief a second person, either the leader's delegate to accompany you to Manus, or a person to manage in their stead while they go in person. And the mere information that you have business with someone in Manus in relation to the Silverfang case is more detrimental to you than to us."


"That's true. You're sure I have to go in person to Manus for the interview, I can't just talk to you?"


"My employer definitely wants to speak to you in person." He grimaces sheepishly. "She's the—hands-on type of planner, you know?"


"And she doesn't want to come here?"


"She has obligations in the city which she cannot be away from for twenty days."


"Who is this person?"


"Wall Lady Rafaema."

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