Maenik visits the southern fishing village.
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"Sat," he answers. "Kavlhat þomegi sat."


Genilha adds another rock to his hand.

"Gu kavlhat eg molh?"


"Ben," he replies.


Genilha moves his hand behind his back — hidden from Daskal but visible to Maenik. Then he quietly sets down two stones, leaving just one in his hand.

"Gu kavlhat eg molh?" he asks for a third time.


Daskal shrugs.

"Keðremitat pi," he replies.


Genilha makes an affirmative gesture. "Keðremitat do," he agrees.

He holds out his hand, showing Daskal the stone. "Ðoremitat do."


"Ðoremitat pi," Daskal agrees. "Tor þomegi."


Genilha shuffles some rocks behind his back, and then holds out a closed hand to Maenik. "Gu kavlhat þomegi molh?"


So kavlhat represents quantity, Keðremitat conveys uncertainty and Ðoremitat conveys knowledge or certainty.

She could check how many stones are in his hand but that's not the point here. "Keðremitat pi."


He opens his hand to reveal two stones.


"Ðoremitat pi. Kavlhat þomegi sat."


Genilha smiles.

"Ðoremitat do," he agrees. "Keðremitev do. Keðremitev, regu Ðoremitat do."

He places the two stones down on the ground.

"Kavlhat þomegi sat," he begins. Then he adds a third stone. "Kavlhat eg ben. Kavlhev eg sat, regu kavlhat eg ben."


Aha, conjugations. And if she isn't wrong tense conjugations. She takes a moment to dip into her memory she doesn't see the pattern with the other words she's learned omat seems to fit the tense pattern but not taneg or Sodrak or Aðorak.

She takes a step over and moving slow enough someone could easily object picks one of the stalks then chews on it a bit.

"Omat pi kalhornaðor regu Aðorak pi eg."


Daskal crosses his arms.

"Aðoreh pi kalhornaðor, regu omat pi eg," he corrects.


Okay that makes sense, she lost track of the numbers for a second. Also more tense. She doesn't quite understand the pattern yet.

She makes the affirmative gesture and then to see test another guess, "Ðoremitat pi."


Daskal looks confused, but Genilha waves it off and clicks at her.

He considers for a moment, and then plucks his own stalk and takes a bite from it.

"Daskal, gu molhat pi?"


"Omat," he answers.

He scrambles up and gives a little hop. "Gu molhat pi?"


"Jump," Genilha replies.

He turns back to Maenik. "Gu ðoremitat pi?"


She thinks she understands at least. She's going to attempt something a bit more ambitious. She speaks slowly checking each word before she says it.

"Keðremiteh pi regu sarav banak do a pi. Ðoremitat pi."


Genilha gives her a wide smile and makes the affirmative gesture. The others click.


Ðani asks Genilha a question of some sort.


Genilha taps his chin pensively.


She still doesn't have a word for an entire language or numbers greater than three but she thinks she has enough to ask her big question.

"Ðani, pav sarav pi Magic a do? Ka-Sareh pi ben ben ben Banak a do regu sarav pi Magic a do. Sareh pi Magic a do regu sarav ben ben ben Banak a do."


Ðani looks surprised, for a moment, and then considering.

She says something to Genilha, and they both stand. Genilha mimes punching her, and Ðani staggers back dramatically, clutching her nose.

"Demireg Genilha pi," she says. Then she straightens up and mimes kneeing him in the crotch. He hops in imaginary pain. "Demireg pi Genilha."

She turns back to Maenik. "Gu demireg Magic pi?"


An understandable question. "Ka-demireg Magic pi." She makes a new illusion in this one Maenik and Ðani are standing an arms length apart and Maenik holds out her hand then Ðani reaches out and takes it. Maenik's face takes on a focused expression and Ðani smiles but also has wide eyes for a few seconds and then she gasps for breath. The illusion repeats a couple times.

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