"I could probably come up with something, in the absence of available horses, but it would likely take longer than walking to the city and back."
"I suppose they operate on a similar principle to lifts? Floating from place to place? It seems convenient."
"A supply of wood," is the first thing that comes to mind. "If it's possible to obtain some at a price you find reasonable. I have magic with it, and I'd like to continue my experiments."
"Any kind will do, more or less. It's not for any one purpose in particular, although I suppose if I'm staying here long enough I'll want to make a full set of blessing tokens and that would be the easiest way..."
"They are... another kind of magic, I suppose you could say. Or possibly religion. In Welce the distinction is less than clear. Forty-three symbols, divided into five groups each associated with an element, and the last three blessings are called 'extraordinary' for not belonging to any element in particular. It's common practice in Welce to go to a temple every so often and draw some blessings from the bin, and the drawn blessings usually prove relevant to one's immediate future in some way. For example, a few hours before you summoned me, I drew 'surprise' three times in a row."
"Not too much to carry back. I'd be more precise if I was familiar with your units of measurement."
Which he knows at least her skeleton isn't, but he doesn't see a good reason to bring that up.