He takes the block of wood out of his pocket again and studies it thoughtfully, glancing up at the time spell every few - splits.
"Ekador," he says, looking up at her when she speaks. "Not entirely pleased to meet you, under the circumstances."
"You know I don't have the CC for it," says Saasnil.
"...Huh?" asks the boy.
"We had to co-cast."
"How're you going to send him back, then?" asks the humanoid lion. Who may be presumed to be called Nemaar.
Korulen goes white as a sheet.
"Which I presume," says Ekador, "means that I will be stuck here for rather longer than two degrees?"
"Perhaps," Ekador suggests dryly, "you will find it a valuable lesson in considering the possible consequences of your actions before taking them."
"They won't expel you. If they expel you you can't learn to get a familiar, that's the thing they'll have us do is get familiars, me first but you're backup in case it doesn't do enough," says Korulen grimly.
"At what stage in this process will I be able to sit down on something other than the floor?"
There doesn't seem to be much value in hurrying them. Ekador ponders his block of wood. He was going to shape blessing symbols out of it, to be subsequently arranged on a string and tied into his hair, but now he has the more immediate practical problem of wanting to sit somewhere comfortable. Surely there is some way to design a structurally stable chair or stool that could be made out of this much wood. He just needs to apply more ingenuity.
He is not especially upset about it, though.