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from a certain point of view he warned you this would happen
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Alonso is going to try VERY HARD to GET THE FUCK AWAY RIGHT NOW. 


Can he outrun angry, bleeding Livi?


Not in the long run. But if he can lead Livi away from the part of the crowd with torches--maybe he can hide in the shadows--


He is absolutely not letting the slip out of his sight and he was starting from within arm's reach of it.


Yeah Alonso isn't going to manage to get away. 

But he's going to make Livi pay for it. Scared as shit may not successfully run faster than madder than hell, in this instance, but it lashes out like a wild cat. 

Alonso trips and falls, and when Livi leans in to make the kill, his knife flashes out, scoring across Livi's cheek and into his eye. 


OW. Good fucking riddance. He staggers back from the slip's corpse, clutching his eye with his free hand.

(Gods, that was satisfying.)


(Elsewhere, the mob has surrounded Permira.)



She has a knife. They have fingers and throats and eyes and all sorts of nice vulnerable bits.

She'll just have to see how many she can take with her.


She can definitely injure several of them, but none are unconscious when she goes down.


Aina gets eight blocks away in a crazy zigzag and then decides they're probably not following her. She finds the temple of Shelyn first, once she's slowed down, and makes for it because they probably won't let knife-wielding maniacs in. She ducks inside and finds a corner to exist in for the night.


Felisa stumbles through the streets in the dark. She ran, for the first bit, but now quiet is more important than fast; even if the mob follows her, she has enough of a head start that she'll hear them before they can get to her, and she can hide in small places, smaller even than the adult halflings could fit into. As long as they don't find her, she'll live. 

She won't, can't, think about whether or not her brother is still alive.

If she lives until dawn she's supposed to try to make it to the halfling neighborhood and the Bell of the Sea. 

And then she's going to make that awful man pay if it's the last thing she does. 


Of course they would have known it wasn't safe. Of course, as they scatter, they should have seen it.

Permira's protection was nothing.

Now it's time to try for the protection of darkness, and vanish into the night.


Spinner flees into a boathouse down the street where somebody stores their river barge, when they're done bringing up goods from the seashore. Jordi winds up in a tree in a park. Weft actually tries to follow Aina, but can't catch up or find where she went, and starts knocking on other smallfolk's doors instead, looking for somewhere that will let him stay the night.


Liranda runs. She trips, occasionally, because it is dark and she can't see where she's putting her feet--there are oil lamps, but given the choice between a street with broken lamps where she'll fall and bruise herself or a street with lamps that work where someone has a better chance of seeing her she picks the former. 

She doesn't stop running. She's so, so tired, and her breath burns in her lungs, but she doesn't stop running. Her brother might be dead and if the rest of them die too it'll be for nothing--


Some of the mob chases the fleeing halflings. (Some of them have gotten distracted with other things.) But it's dark, and the halflings had a head start. Most of them can probably escape.


(Livi'd been planning on continuing with his group. Instead he heads to the big temple of Abadar as soon as he hears the announcement about injured people. It's not the sort of thing a channel can fix, but it could at least stop the bleeding. (Fucking slips.))

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