Feather flies around in circles until she is tired enough to approach calm again. (Greystripe gives up in protest halfway through and settles on a roof.) And then she climbs, spiraling up and up until she can see all of Westcrown.

This is her first time seeing the city at night; she always left at dusk, because the nights are short and they need to hunt in the morning before dawn. It looks pretty, from up here, with all those lamp-posts and lit windows, and the people running around with torches remind her of fireflies.

She didn't expect the humans in the city to stay up this late past sundown! Many of them are walking or running, often in groups. There seems to be shouting, but it's too confused to make out from up here. Another thing she doesn't understand about them. In the morning she'll ask if this was normal; maybe there's a festival?

Feather doesn't realize anything is wrong until a building is on fire.