There's always a mob.

There's always an angry mob, and that's why you choose your spells carefully, watch every corner, stay quiet, and take no actions.

When there's no clean water, there's the mob.

When there's priests distributing water to all comers, there's the mob.

When there's not enough grain, there's the mob.

When there's too much grain, there's the mob.

When grain has a price that's too high, or too low, or just has a price at all, there's the mob, and they'll try for an Abadaran for good measure.

Of course a Convention, no matter how much false hope it might kindle in one's heart, comes with a mob.

Lluïsa does want to fireball the mob, yes, this is why she doesn't prepare it, it really is mad to use within city limits and it'd at least be arguable, if wrong, that a wizard doing that is worse than the mob.

It's a ways to shelter, and no spells spent yet. She could directly flee the central districts and take a long walk to her dismal lodgings out in the sticks. She could even have flown had she prepared it, but Conventions breed Frivolity, it seems.

Or she could tell herself the walk to the temple district is shorter. A much higher chance of encountering a mob any particular block, but much fewer blocks. And the Virtuous Churches could use the aid of a member of the Committee dedicated to their Promotion, right?