relationship bonding activities: pamphlet writing
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"I don't think the law can fix this one. No one can regulate the disposition of the heart – except maybe Nex, and even if he can, he shouldn't. It's not going to make people care for each other, or understand themselves to have obligations towards their children, let alone their childrens' mother. Or father, for that matter."


"Marriage isn't all disposition of the heart. Osirion at least forbids a man to remarry if his first wife and children aren't being cared for. ...but it isn't mostly enforced by the courts, of course, it's mostly enforced by families, and by everyone else judging you. I can see how offloading all of that to the courts would work poorly."


"I wonder if we shouldn't be looking into what the Thrunes did to the cause this situation, though I expect it would work less well in reverse." 


"....huge numbers of people must have been dead, when they took over. Thirty years of war. I imagine that leaves quite a few holes in families in the first place. And long enough the new parents don't remember a time before it."


"It might help them to have any example at all of what a good family looks like – but it's not as if we have many on offer. Things are less – changed – in the countryside, but I don't think that actually means they're better. Just bad in the more traditional sense."


"There are also various disparaging comments about everywhere else, although I can't say I think there's much comparison, with one culture having half given up on fathers at all. But I suppose I can also remember how upset you were about Osirian marriage, when we met. ...where in the world did you come from, anyway?"


"Isarn! Didn't I just say so? 

...But in all seriousness – I was lucky to be born in Galt, where we've wanted to be free of Cheliax since about thirty minutes after Aspex conquered us, and before that we were wanted to be free of Taldor. We're very proud of our poetry and our theater and our opera, so we didn't let it die. We had the dream of a different way of life there, buried, but not so deep that you couldn't find it if you dug. 

I don't think I'm particularly inclined to family virtues. I don't have any filial regard for my parents – I didn't even when I was a little boy – and I certainly never thought I'd marry or have children of my own. I just knew that a life I'd find tolerable would be one of my own imagining – and then, you helped me imagine it." 


"You are more inclined to family virtues than anyone else I have ever met. You just built them out of - philosophical axioms and a fundamentally generous spirit, or something, without anything resembling a model. You are grateful, protective, forgiving, hardworking - now, if not when I met you - honest, respectful, considerate, capable of a tremendous amount of trust in spite of everything that's ever happened to you, committed to your vows, love spending time with your children, could not care less that one of them originally wasn't yours -"

"I can't imagine how it's escaped your notice that you are better at this than nearly anyone else, apart from the terrible handicap of having six occupations that constantly interfere with exercising your abilities."


"Oh, I don't compare myself to anyone else, it's too depressing. My own father is a decent man, but if the best thing you could say about my parenting is that I'm better than he was, I'd never have gotten married."



"You know, you're right, this isn't a job for the government. This is a job for a pamphlet."


"Do you want to write one? Do you have time?"


"Well, it seems very amenable to being done in here with you. You're supposed to be good at these things, aren't you? And it would be unbearably popular, there's absolutely no one better positioned to talk about it."


"I'm worried the family committee might take it as my trying to dictate to them."


"No, no, no. Not policy. Tell them about our marriage. Tell them that awful story about my first proposal, and why you said no, and why you said yes. Tell them what you were afraid of. Tell them the mistakes you made, and how you recovered. Tell them you were small and human and without any particular advantage but a decent wife and an unshakable determination to be decent back, and that it's made you happier than anything else. Let the people see a marriage, and they will all be able to imagine it, perhaps even for themselves. You know it'll sell out immediately, it's competing with those ridiculous things about Shawil being born from a bank in Sothis."


"I suppose we could use the money."


"See! We are being utterly responsible. You will have to tell me which pieces the Chelish people are most likely to be confused about, so we know to include them. I can figure out the general human interest parts myself, I imagine they're all the bits about us being ridiculous."

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