"Ah-huh. The plan is off, alas, there's a lot of magma and earthquakes that might wreck a shell and thereby let toxic air out, no fun at all."
"I thought I might find a town and meet some more people but I might just go straight for the gate if I don't run across one soonish."
"Approaching that. I may be too far away from the equator, I hopped around a lot to get a variety of samples." Cam turns.
"Not precisely, my latitude figuring stuff isn't calibrated for the planet. I can find the equator again though."
He has a list of questions. Some about the introductory texts, some about the 3D printer, some about the operation of the computer.
Before he's done answering them all, he notices that it indeed gets more crowded as he approaches the equator.
That probably qualifies as a town - a dozen or so islands tied together with thick webs of rope. Stacks of houses that almost look like apartments densely laid out on top the islands and built into their sides, with five ships anchored above the houses. Gardens are here and there, and two plumes of smoke emerge from a pair of chimneys.
Before he's done answering them all, he notices that it indeed gets more crowded as he approaches the equator.
That probably qualifies as a town - a dozen or so islands tied together with thick webs of rope. Stacks of houses that almost look like apartments densely laid out on top the islands and built into their sides, with five ships anchored above the houses. Gardens are here and there, and two plumes of smoke emerge from a pair of chimneys.
And he doesn't super want to just drop the ship and let it subduct. Bad habit to get into, that.
He tells its autopilot to park it in orbit, and while it's doing that he hops out and glides to the town under his own power.
He tells its autopilot to park it in orbit, and while it's doing that he hops out and glides to the town under his own power.
"Nope, I've had them for a while, but where I'm from angel means feathers in particular."