Idaia in Modern Arda
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"I mean, I could probably also use regular therapy, but for that it might be best to go to someone who I haven't unnerved badly."


"What are you looking for from regular therapy?"


"That's more of the long story. Um, my original parents died before my sister and I came to this universe, I think I still have issues over that, there's the way I died, some of the stuff that happened before that, my current biological parents aren't that great at it..."


She nods. "And it's harder than usual to get help because most of it's unbelievable?"


"Yeah, I want to deal with the stuff that happened, not have someone tell me I need treatment for the fact that I believe it did."


She nods. "Has that happened, or is that what you anticipate would happen if you couldn't prove it?"


"The latter."


"Do you have people you can talk about the truth with?"


"Yeah, there's my sister and the other reincarnated people and some people who--didn't exactly reincarnate, but they were around then and they're around now."


Nods. "Any you're particularly close to?"


"Yeah. So, when we first arrived in this universe, we met this one guy, he was great, helped us with a lot of stuff. He and my sister ended up getting married, and--his family just--welcomed us in, his brothers call us 'sister'--and the not-reincarnated people are my sister's husband and his father and brothers."


"That's really good."




They thought we were dead forever. They were really glad to have us back."


"I can imagine. Was it hard to find them?"


"It was a total accident. We also thought they were dead, although less with the 'forever' part."


"It sounds like in addition to the barrier of finding someone to believe you it'll also be a challenge just to tell them everything that's happened."


"Yeah, there is that. Bits that I'm eliding over include 'humanity is not alone' and 'this planet used to be flat' and 'we are only almost sure the planet Venus didn't used to be a person.'"


"Wow. And those bits I take it are harder to prove?"


"'Humanity is not alone' could probably be proven by a competent biologist; my family other than my sister--my sister's husband and his brothers and father--aren't human. The others would be very hard to prove, yes."


She nods. "Well, I would be happy to talk with you about all of this if you decide that'll be valuable to you."


"...I think I'd like that."


"Okay. Is there any place in particular we should start?"


"...I suppose I should begin at the beginning."


"All right."


"So I grew up in a relatively small University town in a country called Kilaiuossa--" and she describes the broad strokes of the culture, and the incident that ended with her parents dead, and the uncomfortable few weeks between that and leaving, and how an inexplicable snake monster left them somewhere completely different.

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