Alicia and Tom
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Alicia does the morning channel at the temple of Shelyn every day. She only has the one, which is a bit embarrassing considering splendid people are supposed to have more, but she can heal more than any of the new clerics and she has spells for the ones it doesn't get so it's not really that big of a deal. The timing lets her stick around for the morning service - she's part of the choir, but really the whole point is that everyone joins in with the singing, and she likes that far more than just a few talented voices singing alone. 


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Most of the work of setting a cafe up is already done, but not all of it. Ambience matters, too, which is why Raimon is checking if the Church of Shelyn has anyone who knows the right tunes before le Café Isarn opens.


"Can I help you with something? There's another channel in a few hours, but if something needs healing you don't have to wait."


"Raimon Queralt, Songbird. I'm opening up a Galtan-style café, now that that's legal, and looking to hire a musician who knows appropriate music, if the Temple of Shelyn knows where one could be found."


Oh noooo she thought she'd managed to escape that but how could she have, if she's there every day doing channels and participating in the singing and such. Of course everyone thinks she's a cleric. 

"...I'm not actually one of her chosen, I just have healing. What kind of music are you looking for? I know a bunch of Andorani ones, but if it's a Galtan cafe that's probably not right and I only know the really popular ones from there, like the one for the Army of the Sellen. I could try asking around but we haven't gotten a lot of Galtan immigrants."


"Sorry about that," he says, filing this useful fact away. "Something that'll work in the background, for when there's too many people talking, and then some good rousing patriotic Galtan music - Army of the Sellen, It'll Be Fine, Mister No...?"

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