"It will probably break eventually, and I'm not sure whether it might do mildly inconvenient magical things like become very cold unexpectedly, and it seems like an inefficient use of resources to take it from a world where it's a high-quality magical staff to a world where it is a good hitting-people stick."
"Fair enough."
He puts the staff back where he found it. Then he alchemizes another one and hefts that one instead.
He puts the staff back where he found it. Then he alchemizes another one and hefts that one instead.
Katrin shrugs. She returns her old staff to its holder on her back and keeps the new one in her hand. (It's so pretty. And roughly twice as powerful as the original.)
Ari makes himself a combat dummy and utilizes his hitting-people stick.
"Anybody want to have recreational sex?" he asks offhandedly after a few minutes.
"Anybody want to have recreational sex?" he asks offhandedly after a few minutes.
This question is greeted with a puzzled and slightly awkward silence by all three adventurers, but Stalas is the one who recovers almost immediately and says, "No, thank you."
This Thread Is On Hiatus