"But- what if you need to carry a piano, or a dragon, or ten tons of highly flammable shaving cream?"
Ari shudders. "That sounds awful. Do you want some wallets to take back to your inconvenient universe? I've got like five of them in my wallet."
"Wallet modus. It's a kind of sylladex, except you carry it around instead of just... having it. It can carry anything up to and including a small planet." He takes out his own wallet to show off. (It has a little dinosaur on it.)
"...you captchalogue something, and it goes into your wallet. It's- here, see for yourself." He tosses Stalas a wallet. "Try to take a barstool."
Ari wracks his brain. "Try... seeing it as a card? Instead of an object? Everything can be either an object or a card, that's basic object duality. Feel the card in the chair."
It is not immediately successful.
He gives up and tosses the wallet to Sefton.
Sefton catches the wallet, dutifully tries to take the chair, fails, and hands the wallet to Katrin.
He looks rather crestfallen. "Sorry, then. You can keep the wallet in case you figure out how to make it go later."
"Let me know if there's anything else helpful I can give you, too. I've got a ton of weapons tucked away. And if you're all playing the Game you can use all the help you can get."
"Uh. Take your pick, really. Swords, hammers, axes, double tridents, a couple of Fancy Santas? Other junk probably? What do you use?"
"I'm a mage," she says, with a gesture to the staff she is wearing on her back. "Stalas and Sefton both prefer daggers, I think."
"Well, I might not say no to a sword, depending on the sword. But I'm still somewhat unclear on what this Game is and whether or not we are in fact playing it. On the other hand, we might need all the help we can get regardless."
"That's the spirit!"
Ari goes over to a table, which is suddenly covered with swords. Most of the swords look patently ridiculous. Another table gets a pile of equally ridiculous knives. As an afterthought, yet a third table is covered with ridiculous wands.
"I made them by taking random shit and throwing it into an alchemizer? They're still deadly weapons, though!" He picks up a sword emblazoned with the face of some mildly distressing middle-aged action hero and swings it through the air.
Stalas starts looking through the swords table for the least ridiculous available items.