(To be fair, by Alternian standards this puts her somewhere just below Troll Mahatma Gandhi.)
At the moment, however, she is feeling decidedly unreasonable. Leo blew off her perfectly good advice to leave the goddamn sliding puzzle alone and kill himself into immortality, and what's worse, Alaine backed him up. She's used to him agreeing with her ruthless play style, but for some reason he felt like the pointless sidequests would be useful, and "it's not like we're in some kind of hurry, right?"
So, like the reasonable person she is, she stormed out of the computer room and went off to explore the meteor and steal people's stuff from the chests. So far she's found Sky's lacy underthings, a handful of boonbucks, Ari's lacy underthings (which she files away for later perusal), and more weapons than anyone could reasonably need, all of which have gone straight into her inventory.
She opens another door. It leads-
to a refreshmentblock?
She draws a heavily alchemized dagger and advances slowly toward the beveragetable. "If Troll Ashton Kutcher shows up, I'm stabbing him in the face," she warns the empty room.
(Several million miles/years/?? away, a Horrorterror licks its lips.)
"Anyway. Now you know what to do if you see red lyrium: throw my blood at it until it turns silver," says Stalas. "And if you can get some in... containers of some kind, then we can take it home and have extra."
He pauses. "Actually, how would you like to have a- vehicle that goes very fast and can carry things in itself? Because, useful, and also it'd let you carry quite a bit more magic blood."
"...Potentially we would like that a lot, but how exactly does the vehicle... go? Because if it can't fly or something—I'm imagining trying to take even an extremely well-designed wagon through the Fade and out the rift and through the fortress, and the imaginary wagon isn't holding up terribly well."
"It can totally fly!"
He punches in a code, and a holographic image appears of a ROCKET CAR. It is covered with flame decals, and it looks tacky as all fuck.
"That's... certainly something. Does it come in... stealthier versions? Many of the places we're going to need to deliver a lot of my blood to are hostile territory."
"That. Is an interesting idea."
Ari alchemizes the car, then captchalogues it. "I can appearify it outside the door when you're ready to go so you don't have to, like, drive it through the doorframe."
"Thank you, that will be convenient. All right... I have these fancy silver lyrium daggers and this interesting sword; Sefton's found a few things; Katrin, are you satisfied with that wand?"
"Well, now I'm wondering what would happen if you combined my staff with silver lyrium," she says. "In the spirit of experimentation."
"Your wish is my command," Ari says with an elaborate bow. He takes a picture of the staff and heads back to the alchemizer, then pauses. "D'you want to incorporate the wand as well?"
"No disassembl-"
The robot vanishes into Ari's sylladex. "You're a tin can, robots don't have feelings. Let's try this again, shall we?"
With a different set of buttons pressed, it produces: a large lyrium crystal, shaped like her staff. Ari swears under his breath. "I was worried about this. Long story short, the combination that would result in a working staff with the properties of your staff and silver lyrium instead produced that jackass, and trying to do the same thing in a different way just made staff-shaped lyrium. Got any more staves?"
"They're a bit bulky; I don't usually carry more than one. Unfortunately. ...What would happen if we did include the wand? Or some other ingredient?"
"That could work! Combining multiple items increases the risk of collision, but since the one-to-one already hits a Johnny coordinate, there's no harm in trying it, right? So, just the wand, or do you have something else you'd like to throw in there?
Buttons buttons buttons STICK! Magic stick. Specifically, magic staff. The haft is an oddly organic combination of fluted glass and silver; at its base is a gently curving blade, and its cap is a clouded sapphire with the faint impression of a skull.
"I approve," says Katrin. She picks up the new staff; her eyes widen slightly. "I definitely approve."
Ari hefts the surplus staff. "I could hit people with this pretty decently. This feels like a good hitting-people stick."