(To be fair, by Alternian standards this puts her somewhere just below Troll Mahatma Gandhi.)
At the moment, however, she is feeling decidedly unreasonable. Leo blew off her perfectly good advice to leave the goddamn sliding puzzle alone and kill himself into immortality, and what's worse, Alaine backed him up. She's used to him agreeing with her ruthless play style, but for some reason he felt like the pointless sidequests would be useful, and "it's not like we're in some kind of hurry, right?"
So, like the reasonable person she is, she stormed out of the computer room and went off to explore the meteor and steal people's stuff from the chests. So far she's found Sky's lacy underthings, a handful of boonbucks, Ari's lacy underthings (which she files away for later perusal), and more weapons than anyone could reasonably need, all of which have gone straight into her inventory.
She opens another door. It leads-
to a refreshmentblock?
She draws a heavily alchemized dagger and advances slowly toward the beveragetable. "If Troll Ashton Kutcher shows up, I'm stabbing him in the face," she warns the empty room.
"...I think if there had been a fiery meteor apocalypse, I would have noticed," says the inexplicable human in a quiet, thoughtful tone. "Arguably there's been an apocalypse, but it wasn't especially fiery or meteoric. And it didn't kill all but six humans. I wonder what's going on."
On closer inspection, his outfit is... a little weird, in a possibly familiar way. Hems and other edges tend to fade away into smoky wisps rather than end cleanly, and on the front of his pale grey tunic is a symbol: three wavy horizontal lines in a slightly darker grey, with something behind them that might be a white vertical bar or just a trick of the light.
An alternative to the "heraldry" idea is that she shops at Hot Topic a lot. Or whatever Hot Topic equivalent they have on whatever planet produces women with chitinous grey skin and candy-corn colored horns and dragonfly wings.
"Is this some kind of time travel bullshit? I hate time travel." She takes a closer look at his outfit. "That's... Is that supposed to be a God Tier outfit?"
When he moves - which he isn't doing much of, except to speak - the quasi-visible white bar on his shirt wavers between barely there and totally absent, and the rest of his outfit swirls subtly from one nearly identical shade of light grey to the next. Almost like shimmering velvet, except not very much like that at all.
Tentative assumptions established, she strides over to the bar and pounds on its surface. (A napkin appears beneath her fist; she ignores it.) "Hey! Drinkmonkey!" (Another napkin appears, pinned to one of her horns; she ignores it.) "Quit fondling yourself and serve your cust-"
A napkin adheres itself to her face. After some undignified flailing, she peels it off and reads it.
"Oh. The bar's a person and she'll give us a free drink apiece. Considerate of her."
She sits on one of the stools, soliciting and receiving a carafe of some kind of cheap soda.
He follows her to the bar, hanging back just barely within conversational distance; his footsteps make absolutely no sound.
She imbibes some of her vile beverage. "Pretty basic shit, really."
"That doesn't sound very much like how I got this," he says. "So maybe the resemblance is just a coincidence."
"How'd you get it, then?"
After a moment's thought, a pair of glasses appears on her face, and she blinks decisively at his clothes. A card appears in midair; she stabs it, and it vanishes into her inventory. She crushes the glasses in her fist, and they, too, disappear. "I'm alchemizing myself some of that bullshit magic fabric in red," she "explains".
"Alchemizing. It's... I'm going to make myself clothes out of that stuff. With weird magic."
"I wonder if that will work," he says. "To answer your earlier question, I got it by physically entering the Fade, which is supposed to be impossible. And there do seem to be interesting powers and a destined role attached."
"If it doesn't work I'll bully Ari's human kid into doing it for me," she shrugs. "And that sounds about right, actually. Guess you're playing the Game. Let me know if you've figured out the Ultimate Riddle, I've got a bet going with Alaine that it's actually just a knock-knock joke."
"Eh. It's bullshit anyway. You're well rid of it."
She finishes her soda. "That's strong, man. Could I get a chaser?" A bottle of eye-wateringly powerful alcohol appears, and she swigs some. "Ta."
She shrugs. "Suit yourself."
After a moment, she asks "What's your world like? I'm nosy and our humans are all boring. D'you have trolls?"
"I don't think so," he says. "We have humans, dwarves, elves, qunari, spirits, demons, and darkspawn. And maybe other things that I don't know about or am forgetting."
Zan sniffs disapprovingly. "That right there is entirely too many species. Two should be enough for any reasonable world to be getting on with."
She spends a while shopping at the bar and smashing her purchases into thin air, then gets a flask of Faygo and strolls out the door.
Sefton waits until she has gone and then peeks out the door. Katrin and Stalas seem to be... just in the process of coming over to investigate.
"I would've expected you to follow faster than that," he observes.