"Oh. Yeah," he says. "Now that you mention it, I am hungrier than usual."
"Dareth shiral, lethallin." Valendrian turns to Tev. "I will mourn the deaths of our kinsmen, but you honor them by using the power you have been given to protect our world from the Blight. I am proud of you, Sentevlan. Dareth shiral, lenaan. May the Maker watch over you."
Duncan leads him into Market Square, and brings him into a store advertising vanilla scent "the finest selection of clothing this side of Orlais". In a whirl of measuring tape and cotton, Tev is provided with five travel-appropriate outfits that actually fit him, and two pairs of very sturdy (and moderately fashionable) boots. And fifteen pairs of socks. "It's in the mountains, extra socks are a good idea."
"Thank you," he says, very sincerely.
He opens his mouth and becomes very definably Orlesian. "Do you 'ave resehvasions?"
"I have a standing reservation, because the owner of this establishment owes me his life."
The definably Orlesian maitre d' looks slightly agog. "I may 'ave to consult ze owner."
"You may."
He flees.
...This is a nice enough restaurant to make Tev slightly uncomfortable! Also he keeps almost hitting his head on things. Like that sign.
'Enormous elf'. Okay. He is pretty enormous, it's true. Smiling sheepishly, he follows them in.
"From a... room full of very unhappy bears," he says. "It helped. With the bears. So I kept it."
The food is kind of amazing. Hell, if nobody else wants them, he will even try the snails. They are not the highlight of the occasion, but he's eaten worse things.