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we've kicked off the slavers, can we be civil now?
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The Abadaran is absolutely misinterpreting Delegate de Chelam, and seems at this point to be throwing a very starchy tantrum. She’s never really liked Abadarans, but of the ones she’s met over the centuries, she thinks she dislikes this one the most.

Probably she should try to mollify the noble, she is on this committee in an attempt to gain allies.

“The sleight of hand economics to lead to later abolition is clever, just. We are past any kind of subterfuge now, I think.” There, see. Your idea was a good one, except for how it’s impossible to implement in the current practical situation.


More discussion probably won't be productive, at this point. "Shall we vote on the proposal for the abolition of halfling slavery, then?"


"In favor." She dislikes this version but we need to get something through.


"In favor." He doesn't like it either, but compromises are necessary if they're to get anything done.


"In favor."


No revisions! Great.

"In favor."


"In favor"


Liushna is NOT in favor of, specifically, failing to edit the language. But voting against it wouldn't accomplish anything she wants to accomplish.

"I vote Aye."

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