A fox briskly trots down an empty road, looking to all the world like it knows precisely where it's going.
Affectionate nose. She'd snark if she had an easier way to communicate than letters, but she does not.
They can snuggle for a while; she'll go back to reading her book.
Cozy reading!
She has to turn the pages with her nose and be very careful about not hurting the pages, but just getting to read at all is, well. Still pretty novel. Nevermind on wandering off to explore the tower some more, they can just snuggle and read. For the second day in a row.
They can read cozily until dinner and then have dinner and then snuggle some more, how about.
If she has nothing to read after dinner, she might instead adorably bounce around the room with all of the extra energy she has from all of these wonderful calories she's eating for a little while. What about that? Is that also acceptable?
Excellent! Then she's going to go be an energetic little floof and bounce around the room. Then out of the room. Then back into the room, onto the couch for a very brief boop with her nose, then out of the room again.
Once she has been sufficiently exhausted, then yes, absolutely, snuggles.
Affirmative yip. Yes! She is very charming, she's aware, she's so glad he noticed! Also soft. She is that too.
Snuggle, snuggle.
What a good disreputable lunatic wizard friend!
She believes she shall nap on him.
And napping on him! She is that, too!
She naps for a little over an hour, then yawns and snuggles closer.
She hums a little contented sigh. It's a pity she probably won't get to just - shapeshift into a fox whenever she wants. ... That's not a thing she can get, right? Because if it is a thing she can get due to that stupid music box, she wants it.
.... She does not want to interrupt snuggles to ask, though. That can be a tomorrow question.
Soft fox soft fox soft fox. So good and so soft.
...hm. Yeah, he really likes her, doesn't he.
She probably likes him back, at least a little. Judging from the snuggles.
Or the way she has maybe noticed his fond gaze. And returns it.