goddamn you see that shit? that was fucking crazy. anyway I'm Laia Solandra
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“Hard to tell which ones are good or evil, too. Sometimes they even change. Heard of a good one that started poisoning people, then went back to healing the next year like nothing happened. Neutral ones might turn evil if the queen tries to ban them, too…”

”Maybe say that if a fey seems like it might be evil, send a cleric to check?”


"They're full of enchantments, it's not going to seem evil. Unless it poisons people, I guess!"


“The book implied they were an alien kind of Chaotic Neutral… but it overall wasn’t very informative.  I can look for a better book on Fey.  But we might need to leave this issue in particular to whatever institution the Queen develops if we can’t find an authoritative source of information on Fey.”


“Maybe the druids know more about how to tell the difference. Hope forests committee can keep the new one happy with us.”


"It is at the least Ill-Advised to consort with a Chaotic Power, unless tempered with Good."


“That’s true but, for a while, all you had to be to get worship was better than hell. Fey you can’t predict might do good or bad; you can predict a devil but it’ll always do bad things.”

”We have good gods now, but it’s hard for a village to to break things off with the fey.”


"I'm city-raised myself, how common is the fey situation?"


Enric replies carefully, sometimes pausing to figure out how much to say and how much not to say. Some things aren’t for city-raised folk to know, even good ones.

“Most people I know do little things, like leaving a bit of extra food outside when we hear of a fey passing through. My house does too, if there’s some to spare. One family has a fey they know by name and a little shrine, they have some deal where she watches out for them. There’s all kinds of rumors about what they give in offering but I won’t say any.”

”Out closer to the forests, I hear it’s more common and more intense. A fey that can bless fields and enchant anyone who comes in to cause trouble and keep the monsters away… gets more offerings and songs than any god. Evil ones can get worship too even if they don’t help, make a village sends one into the woods every summer.”

”Some places it’s the opposite, where people don’t like the fey at all. Pobably had to deal with too many evil ones. When a baron goes riding out with iron weapons to hunt one, they’ll help out.”


"Gracious. I suppose that sort of blurs the line between a trade relationship and a religion, doesn't it? Maybe none of these fey belong on a list of benign gods, really... they don't necessarily belong on the list of bad ones either, but what a thing to do."


"It would be well not to oblige Villages to invite the Ire of such Beings already Bargained with; perhaps a Provision that Fey Bargains already Established and not Unconscionable, e.g. the Sacrifice of a Maiden each Harvest, may continue in Maintenance until such time as a Goodly Priest arrive to make a Specific Recommendation, coupled with the Decree that no new Bargains be made without such Goodly Priest's consultation?"

Looking toward Porras on this one.


Enric nods. Lluisa gets it. 


"I for one would not know the first thing about what to advise about such a fey bargain, are we assuming Erastil's freer with that sort of knowledge or...?"


“A Sower sometimes knows the local fey and how do deal with them. Don’t know how much of that is Erastil sharing, how much is another cleric teaching, and how much is just spending time in the forest.”


"Well, if you think it won't founder for lack of knowledgeable priests it sounds like a fine proposal to me. All in favor?"




"In favor, Aye."






"And the ayes have it! Looking at the rest of the list... we should maybe have a joint session with the education committee at some point about whether the churches should take on educational responsibilities, are any of you on that one?"


"I am; the involvement of Churches may prove a Boon to Education, in my view, though I am unclear which Priesthoods are most comprised of the Lettered."

Not Cayden Cailean's! (She guesses.)


"Can you let them know next time you meet that we'd like to coordinate on that whenever they've gotten to a point where it makes sense? And... let's see, I wonder if we have time to hammer out a floor-ready version of the tithe idea."

They do not have time to hammer out a floor-ready version of the tithe idea, but maybe tomorrow.

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