It's a great house. There's no reason it should be going for this little.
"Scott, there's no reason it should be going for this little."
It's a great house. There's no reason it should be going for this little.
"Scott, there's no reason it should be going for this little."
"You've said that, yeah. You've said that every day since we moved in here."
Scott adjusts the framed photo on the mantle; it doesn't look right. He's not sure why, but it looks wrong. He'll ask Theo about it later.
"It doesn't make any sense. There's a few issues with the plumbing, but it's perfect besides that."
"Please don't come up with a conspiracy theory about our house. It's a nice house. It doesn't deserve that."
"I'm pretty sure it's sabotage. Did you know it's gone through three owners in the past month? And before that, there was a death."
He passes the screwdriver.
"I don't think they could hide that. Not that it matters, it's still an amazing deal- I should get going, I'm supposed to be at the hospital by now."
Ty gets back to the task at hand: trying to fix the towel rack. Apparently, when your plumbing is possessed by the Devil, it can do some serious damage.
Pretty much as expected. He calls the plumber.
The plumber has no idea what's going on, and apologizes profusely. He probably needs to make a second trip.
Ty thanks him anyway, and puts out some towels.
Scott comes home by the time he's done call everyone he can possibly call.
"I'm telling you, it's some kind of family curse. Ask your mom if she angered any water spirits."
Scott doesn't do that. Scott continues with his rotation, attempts to cook (and mostly fails), and on Friday, he invites his boyfriend over for dinner.
"Ty, 'that guy' is my boyfriend. My mom likes him, my dad hates him: I think I'm doing something right."
"I'm glad your priorities are all in order."
He sets the table, and waits anxiously by the door.
Scott tries to unlock the door to their new (great, definitely not haunted) house.