kithabel and milan in milliways
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"What, er, happens if the dragon dies?"


"Well, we're sort of hard to kill and this hasn't actually happened since we noticed the bondmate chaining thing a couple thousand years ago. But probably the bondmates die."


"That sounds inconvenient."


"I'd imagine so, yes."


"If you'd like to meet Kithabel I can go find her and ask whether she wants to see if she finds you mesmerizingly beautiful. What is dragon-having like?"


"Well, at first it's a little oversharey. That fades out a few minutes later and it boils down to being good at cooperating, especially with magic. Some empathy, for some pairs."


"Define 'oversharey'...?"


"Mutual thought awareness. Not all your deepest secrets, unless your response to mutual thought awareness is to immediately think about all your deepest secrets."


Snort. "Very good to know, thank you. Oh, I've forgotten to introduce myself. I'm Milan."




"Pleased to meet you."


"Likewise. What-all do you do with your magic, anyway?"


"I solve problems! Do you have any problems in need of solving?"


"Well, every few millennia the Dark shows up and Darks some things, and that's usually bad news... I'm not sure if that's the sort of problem you mean."


"Problems I have solved in the last week include: someone needed a road where there was not previously a road, so I made one, complete with bridge. There was a large fire in a medium-sized town and I put it out and restored some buildings that had burned down. Assorted changes to the weather. Assorted healing of injury, illness, and in one case infertility. Growing a garden. Stopping a flood."


"I'm not immediately aware of anything like that. If I was it's more or less the sort of thing my Bonded would handle."


"It's good to have people around to handle these sorts of things."


"I agree," says Kiaver.


"Well, if you think of any problems we might be able to help solve, do let me know. I think I'll go see if Kithabel's awake."


"I will be here in this pleasant lake."

"It's very pleasant!"

He destroys/mists/re-lakes his various dancing bits of water, and then goes looking for Kithabel.

Kithabel's in her room, but no longer asleep; she's sitting up with a notebook and lets him in when he knocks. "Hey you."


"Hi. So I found a dragon in the lake," he says. "Her world sounds interesting and she might conceivably be able to help you cheat at momentum as is right and proper."


Kithabel laughs. "Yeah, how?"


"Dragons from her world can be 'had', a process which apparently involves looking at the dragon and finding them mesmerizingly beautiful and then a few minutes of mutual thought awareness, and after that the dragon-haver can access the dragon's magic through whatever variety of magic they could do already. I did not find her mesmerizingly beautiful, which is just as well because of the two of us I'd rather you ended up with a dragon, you hardly get to cheat at all and it's very unfair."

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