variously evil!Elves meet Elspeth
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Gosh, it'd really be a shame to be a Noldo. Maybe any surviving Noldor will learn some kind of valuable lesson.


Their compassion is truly staggering why is everyone here so awful.


You would think Elspeth's world was full of saints.


Not full of them, but it has enough.


Well, this world doesn't have enough. The not-negotiations with Doriath drag on. Maitimo asks Elspeth to come back from them.


Sure, whatever.


"I am going to invade. Would you like to suggest alternatives?"


If she'd been making any progress she would have suggested she continue to make any progress instead but she didn't seem to be. They could maybe try to steal it more surreptitiously and less, uh, invasively, although this is obvious enough that even Maitimo probably has some reason for not going for that.


Can't think how. Melian's the source of the magical protections on Doriath and I don't know how to slip someone past them.


Well, Elspeth certainly can't be of much help with that without knowing how they work.


I think if I kill her, ah, mind-controlled sex slave, she'll fall apart and be unable to maintain them. But I can't think how to achieve that without an invasion either.


Should Elspeth be modeling this as similar to killing a vampire's mate, or is it different.


For Melian? Probably comparable, yeah. Though he'll come back in Valinor and she'll know it so she'll probably just go off to Valinor to wait for him. 


If it happens that she doesn't have a long wait mightn't she just come back?


She'll have a long wait.




Mandos does not return the dead to life until he judges them worthy. He has stringent and odd standards of worthiness, practically no one qualifies. 


Speaking of the qualities of this mind-controlled sex slave is that actually the best description or just one he's picking to bias her, because you could describe a lot of vampires that way when you could also just gloss them as "involuntarily turned but not served by modeling them as ongoing victims".


"Findekáno was happy when you decided to make a fuss about him. Anyway, all I know about Thingol and Melian is the origin story, which was that he was travelling alone through the forest when she saw him and decided she wanted him. They found him two hundred years later; he was madly in love with her but did not remember his own name.'


Well, this does not sound like a complete story nor does it shed any light on what would happen if theoretically someone got him away from her.


"It's all we've got because no one's allowed in the kingdom. I'm very confident she wouldn't survive his death. Elves don't, not often, and the Ainur are more absolute than us."


It's more surgical than an outright invasion. Sounds practically challenging though.


"I can think of some ways to do it, but you wouldn't like them."


Quelle surprise.


"What would your saintly grandfather do?"

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