variously evil!Elves meet Elspeth
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Pretty close.


She stays. She shadows her brother. Macalaure thinks he has a radiation-shielding song - Elspeth had better not wonder if the testing process was ethical - and he teaches it to everyone in case of an accident. They have heavier than air flight. They debate whether to do a flyover of Angband to know what to expect when a plane flies over Angband.


Elspeth is assuming animal testing for the radiation song! They obviously don't have any trouble coming by live animals if her breakfast is anything to go by. Do songs work over radio?


Songs do not work over their current radios. Everyone thinks this is a fidelity problem and songs should work over nicer radios, which are in development.


If it's a fidelity problem, do songs work over projected memory if Elspeth is doing it?




So she can send the song to everyone in her range, if needed, and everyone knows how to sing it. They are well-prepared for development accidents, though Macalaure's still fixing the song so it's good enough to allow Silmaril retrieval from a recently-bombed Angband.


And Elspeth's range isn't that good, more like a few blocks than anything like even poorly-acquainted osanwë.


They decide to do a flyover of Angband in order to know what to expect if they do a flyover of Angband. They pick someone for a test run. The pilot is oddly expressionless, but his wife looks rather deeply sad.


Elspeth is kind of suspicious that she is presently going to hate Maitimo again.




They fly over Angband. 

Something flies out of Angband to come say hello. There's a fireball in the sky. The King asks tersely for projections as to whether that would have prevented deployment of the nuclear weapon.


Depends on the detonation mechanism and whether that was what it looked like.


Whether that was what it looked like?


If it was a fireball they can probably make something that will detonate on being fireballed. If it was a fireball-like special effect on top of something else that will be much harder. Also if they get radio working well enough they could control the planes by remote but they're not there yet.


Well. It might be safe to delay; the Enemy is not by their best estimates within twenty years of an offensive.


Elspeth is unable at this time to produce sourceless truth on that. Remote controls are not a thing she happens to have lots about in her payload, unfortunately - she has memories of taking RC toys apart but is missing a lot of steps in building the parts.


The King's less worried about that than about making sure the bomb goes off.


Suicide missions are not definitively beyond the pale but Elspeth is suspicious about that test pilot now.


"Do you have questions?"


"How'd you pick the pilot?"


"We only have a few dozen people trained to fly those things. The one I chose had the best record for handling damaged aircraft; it seemed likely that if the Enemy attempted something less instantly fatal, he would be the best qualified to fly out."


"How'd you convince the pilot?"


"For military operations I give orders. Do you find that objectionable?"


Not in general; for intensely risky operations seeking volunteers is preferable.

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