They run a kingdom together. After a few months Findekáno tests him. Kneels beside his bed and watches Maitimo break into a radiant smile, lets Maitimo undress him and pull him into bed, and then says - "actually, I don't think I want to, tonight."
Maitimo's hands go still.
"Sorry. maybe some other time."
"You're testing me."
Maitimo considers whether Findekáno will leave him forever if he fails the test.
"Why are you so bad at this?" Findekáno murmurs, watching him. He's not afraid, though. "I don't plan to tell anyone, I don't expect to alter my future behavior because I'm not making choices in general based on any assumptions that'll be shaken if you decide not to let me go tonight. You cannot win me back in a deeper sense than you have and you won't mess our current arrangement up except by ceasing to be an effective aid in running the empire. You have nothing to lose. But I do not want to sleep with you right now, and so I'd like to leave."
"I am so bad at this because I really hate it when you leave."
Findekáno stands up. The oath not to raise a hand to his king makes it not much of a fight, whenever they disagree about where Findekáno ought to be. Maitimo doesn't grab him. He curls up in bed.
He leaves.
He's not sure if that's character growth but it sort of seems like it might be.