variously evil!Elves meet Elspeth
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Markets in everything, they said, it'll be great, they said -

- fine, she would like to make the following obscure purchases. And rent some more space. She will give so many lectures to pay for it.


They're happy to accommodate her on that. 


She has her space. She gives her lectures.

Some Dwarves ask her if she's aware that some other Dwarves sold that list of obscure purchases to the Noldor, because that is a thing that happened. 


...she wasn't aware of that. She will tip her informant generously for the identities of those Dwarves.


She can get a list of Dwarves who are selling information about her activities here to the Noldor!




Dwarves are immune to her witchcraft. They are not, presumably, unaware of her reputation even sans magic for being carelessly, tactlessly, honest and guileless and open.

How does she go about being near some subset of these Dwarves to describe what she's doing with her shopping list?


Her informant laughs. One of the fellows happens to be his partner's partner and they all get dinner once a week, would she like to come?


That would be lovely!

So Elspeth goes to dinner and she nibbles on the dinner and she talks like she's drunk in a barful of her bestest friends all of whom are fascinated by nuclear physics, and she lies and lies and lies and lies. At home she'd get this ingredient from moon rocks, but the locals haven't traveled to the moon! It's faster to get it this way through following that procedure than flying to the moon here and the moon rocks might not even be the same. Uranium's radioactive and that activates by proximity certain properties of this other thing!

And none of the Dwarves can hear her magic screaming or feel it shrinking her aura down to nothing.


And all of the Dwarves are politely fascinated and by the end of the conversation vaguely harboring ambitions to go to the Moon!


Elspeth's never been, herself. It's important to remember there's no air there.


Does she know how the people from her world did it?


Rockets! But she's not going to give a lecture on rockets, they've got escalatory military applications and she's trying not to tell those jerk Elves anything like that, didn't you know.


Laughter. What's Elspeth's grievance with Elves? She seems to hate them even more than Dwarves, and Dwarves are not the biggest fan of Elves.


Oh, she doesn't hate all of them as a group or anything, but the King is really fucked up what with the mind controlled sex slave, and he tried to deceive her and she hates that. And most of the Elves are complicit in that on some level even if she understands their reasoning.


The mindcontrolled sex slave is news to most of them. They sputter.




Well, the one Elf, anyway. The mind controlled sex slave is probably perfectly nice when he's not mind controlled. His sister was nice too.


The one Elf, but the other Elves put him in charge! And listen to his orders! And he doesn't even think the fact he has a mind controlled sex slave is damaging enough he should try to keep it secret!


He tried; it's just sometimes Elspeth gets truth things out of nowhere and she got one about that.


Well. That's sort of reassuring about the rest of the Elves, who can maybe be assumed not to realize their king has a mind controlled sex slave.

...the Dwarves also hadn't realized that Elf mind control was good enough you could send your sex slave off to conquer a country for you. Well, that's terrifying.




Good thing Dwarves are immune to all mind-affecting magic.


Lucky Dwarves!



It's a weird sort of person who'd even want a mindcontrolled sex slave. Like, even given 'evil'. 


It's not to Elspeth's taste, certainly, although you could make a case that she has one back home whether she likes it or not. Explanation of imprinting.


That is pretty disturbing. Dwarves: really glad of being immune to mind-controlling magic. Would Jake do things that he considered morally wrong for Elspeth? That seems like an important distinction in kinds of mind control.


He would do anything to keep her safe. She can't just tell him to do whatever she wants. Well, she can but only because she doesn't want horrible things.

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