variously evil!Elves meet Elspeth
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"Well, have fun!"



And she's off again.


And eventually it's sunset. There are some nice trees around.


She goes up a tree. She drapes herself between branches securely. She goes to sleep.

When she wakes up she listens and sniffs around for edibles.


The area has squirrels! She can go munch one.


She wants two, but two will do. She takes off towards Tumunzahar again while she's skeletonizing the second one.


And by midafternoon she's on the stone Dwarf-road that leads its way out of the Noldorin empire and to an elaborate metal door in the rock.


Knock knock.


It opens. There are several Dwarves. "Hello?"


"Hello. My name is Elspeth. I'm from another world and got stuck here in a magical accident. I've been staying with the Noldor teaching them things my civilization knows about human medicine but I don't get along with the King and I liked the ambassador from here that I met."


"Welcome to Tumunzahar. We are always happy to have guests. Are you interested in selling knowledge of human medicine and other human inventions?"




"Excellent! I can put you in touch with people who will be able to evaluate medicine, and depending what other inventions you are interested in selling, people who will be able to evaluate those. Come on in."


In she goes. "I have a magic that allows me to transmit information vividly and efficiently but it doesn't work with Dwarves. If you have non-Dwarves here that might matter."


"There are ambassadors from the Elven kingdom and occasionally we get some Men but I don't think we have any at the moment. Do you need the lights?" It's dark.


"I can navigate by sound if necessary but I don't see in the dark very well."


"We don't mind lighting it for guests! It is well worth the expense in terms of making them more inclined to stay awhile."


They light it.

It is spacious, spectacularly done, and full of bustling Dwarves.


"It's pretty."


"Who would you like to sell knowledge to first? Medicine? You could hold a talk and charge for tickets..."


"Is that how it's usually done?" Elspeth asks. "I'd be happy to give talks, and medicine I have all fairly organized because I was recently talking about it."


"You could give it away for free, but that'd be an odd thing to do, because then you wouldn't have a good way to get information about how much value you're creating."


"It's more common where I'm from to write books than to give lectures," Elspeth explains. "That might be because we have an easier time distributing books."


"You would need a lot of capital to fund the printing of a book, and even if we exported it to all seven kingdoms there'd probably only be a few thousand people interested in purchasing it. Does your world have more people, or cheaper means of writing books?"


"Both by a lot."


"That would explain it," he says happily. "If you don't find a lecture objectionable I think that's the format that suits the situation best."

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