In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
I could probably eventually figure out how to do magic disembodied but it would be really stressful and maybe I couldn't. I will stay here.
"Being disembodied sounds generally pretty bad, yeah. Once it's morning - uh, the government will probably really want to know about you. I do think they will try really hard to keep you happy, and I could get in trouble if they find out you're here and I wasn't telling them. Is that okay?"
"We really, really need more space. There might not be a specific law about aliens appearing on your lap in the middle of the night, but if I somehow managed to mess up with you, thirteen billion people wouldn't get more places to live, all because I tried to do something complicated by myself. That'd make people really mad."
I don't want you to get in trouble and if you think they're okay then they're probably okay.
"I think they'll probably manage to be careful and responsible with this one thing. Do you want to tell me more about where you're from so I know what to tell them?"
Uh, you can notice other people if they're not too far away. It's farther for people you know. It's never across the ocean. You can read public thoughts and senses if they leave those public. Most people leave their senses public but probably they wouldn't do that if they were in an ugly place like here. You can send things to particular people or to everybody.
"Thoughts are - 'left public'? - do you want me to put the TV on a scenery channel or something."
That sounds good. Yes, you leave thoughts in public if you want people to read them and you make them private if you don't. Are you not doing that?
She pokes her pocket everything till she finds a scenery channel and puts it up on the wall screen. "No, I don't know how. We don't have telepathic people here usually."
Huh. I think you could probably still do it, I don't think I use osanwë to do it. Bella could do it already but she is a subtle artist. You just - come up with a way of thinking private thoughts and public thoughts separately. Some people imagine private thoughts being underwater and public thoughts being abovewater, or private thoughts whispered and public thoughts shouted.
Everyone should do that or wait until I speak the language because it is going to be hard to only get the meaning of the things you're saying out loud and not listen to other things which are public and not meant to be.
And you can teach me the language! He peeks past her at the scenery channel and seems to relax slightly.