In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
"I haven't noticed any. I guess I haven't been paying close attention. What kinds of problems?"
"It's a disease where the body's mechanisms for cell population control stop working."
"There's a lot of symptoms that can mean cancer - there are other ways to get it besides having a browning deficit - I'm not sure what the first thing one would notice would be."
"There might be pictures on the internet." She looks for pictures of cancer cells.
"Huh. I don't think mine are doing that but I don't understand cells very well, I might be keeping track at the wrong level or something."
"Like - if you close your eyes and try to touch your nose you can still do it, right? Because you just know where your hand is and where your nose is? That, but paying closer attention to details."
"I don't know. Just, there are these differences between us and also some people of your species are mean and bad so it seems like they might be connected. Maybe people who are mean and bad are hurting like orcs and if they could tell their body to not do that then they would be okay?"
"You're very determined to figure this out. Would it be something we have in common with people from Bella's world, are they sometimes bad?"
"Yeah. But their world is terrible. I'd be terrible if I lived there. And wasn't dead."